Donald Trump: return after US 2020 election – secret plan for presidency revealed


  • Lukas Rogalla

    fromLukas Rogalla

    to conclude

Is Donald Trump already planning his return as president of the United States? A former Trump adviser speculates the “return of all political comebacks”.

  • Donald Trump it could be the year 2024 again like President of the United States to run. An ex Consultant he also thinks so Donald Trump a historian Return could provide.
  • Previously it has trump for now the way to Joe Biden made free.
  • Trump-News: All messages for the unselected President the United States of America.

Update from Tuesday 24 November 2020, 9:17 am: Donald Trump leads the way in Joe Biden. Trump announced Twitterwho agreed to a handover to Biden. That’s why he’s now asked his team to cooperate.

The elected president of the United States Joe Biden and his deputy Kamala Harris he responded to this news with relief. Donald Trump plans to be anyway Return in the year 2024. You can read as you imagine it in the Initial report.

Is Donald Trump planning his return for the 2024 US election? (Archive photo)

© Jim Watson / AFP

trump still does not want to see that he is the US elections 2020 he lost. Now a far-right lawyer and moderator leaps to his side.

First report of Monday 23 November 2020: I still am Donald Trump and his legal team have unsuccessfully committed against the outcome of the American elections and to mourn the victory of Joe Biden. In private, however, the projects look very different. trump and his followers have meanwhile been discussing how his life should go from January 20 – and raise the possibility of another candidacy in four years.

US elections: Donald Trump could run again in 2024

Donald Trump he told his confidant he is running for president US elections in 2024 plans – and therefore already accepts that it does White House it has to go – at least internally. The Washington Post reports. Apparently, the incumbent president does not want to disappear from the scene. Rather, it intends to become an “omnipresent” force in politics and the media, possibly in another term. Countryside “Trump 2024“Become a reality.

Plan thus trump also, retaliation against those who did this to him American elections he would have betrayed – understood Fox News. The conservative broadcaster was the first in the United States to announce Biden’s victory in Arizona. Furthermore, the critical reporting had cons Donald Trump it has generally increased in the past few weeks.

Donald Trump: US election victory in 2024 would be a “return of all political comebacks”

An ex trump– Councilor Sam Nunberg urges the current president to be careful not to announce a new nomination soon. On the one hand it is “wasted effort”, but on the other it is also important that the republican Maintain a “firm grip” and immediately establish yourself as the best candidate. “It’s pretty interesting to be elected in 2016, it’s historic. But if it did, it would be the return of all political comebacks 2024 wins again “.

Whether or not he eventually runs: Donald Trump it will be there republican party dominate for years. This is how Michael Steele, a Republican “Lincoln Project” advisor and Trump critic, sees it. “He wants the party to be devoured by him and his madness,” said Steele. Nick Mulvaney, Trump’s former chief of staff, is also planning to run again. “He doesn’t like to lose,” he said in an interview with “The Recount”. Plus, Trump is still a little younger than Joe Biden this year.

Donald Trump 2024? The current president needs money first

After the inauguration of Joe Biden on January 20 Donald Trump initially he retires to Florida, where he spends the winter in his town of Mar-a-Lago. It is becoming increasingly unlikely that Trump will build his own media empire. The undertaking would be extremely difficult and would not guarantee success.

However, it must Donald Trump still throwing money into the coffers – with as little work as possible. According to research by the New York Times, he has about $ 421 million to pay on loan. He will have to monetize his post-presidency time somehow. This can be done through paid speeches for companies, television appearances or proceeds from ticket sales for its events. The Washington Post also raises the possibility of memories of his time President of the United States to compose. A book that will surely prove itself The best seller could try. (Lukas Rogalla)

Title List Image: © Jim Watson / AFP

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