Donald Trump Press Conference – Pfizer is said to have deliberately rejected vaccine reports


The president of the United States is convinced that the pharmaceutical companies wanted to damage him in the American elections.

Donald Trump talks about “corrupt games”.

Pfizer had been playing “corrupt games,” Donald Trump said at a White House press conference on Friday. The president believes the pharmaceutical company deliberately waited until after the election to announce it had developed a vaccine. According to Trump for two reasons: first, due to Trump’s intention to lower the prices of drugs, which he used to turn pharmaceutical companies against him. On the other hand, to hurt him in the American elections.

“The big pharmaceutical companies have invested millions to denigrate me in the election campaign. The electoral campaign which, among other things, I won. You’ll find out in a little while. Almost 74 million votes for me, ”said a president who has not yet admitted his defeat.

In fact, according to Trump, the plan was for Pfizer to publish the data in October, that is, before the election. “But they waited, waited and waited and then decided to publish the results only a few days after the elections.”

He also accused Pfizer of deliberately not publishing the vaccine news in October.

He also accused Pfizer of deliberately not publishing the vaccine news in October.


Presumably it would have impacted the election if Pfizer had made it public earlier, Trump said. “Maybe not. I’m sure the Democrats would have found these ballots somewhere.” But it won’t stop him from doing what’s right for the American people.

Pfizer has denied a deliberate delay, according to the New York Post.

Emergency approval required

Meanwhile, Biontech and Pfizer, according to their own information, have requested emergency approval for their coronavirus vaccine from the US FDA. Pfizer confirmed this on Friday (local time) on Twitter. If US authorities approve, they are now ready to start administering the vaccine within hours, he said Friday.

Pfizer has also already begun to apply to other health authorities around the world. Further authorization requests should follow, it was also said. If the active ingredient is approved, particularly vulnerable people in the United States could be vaccinated as early as mid to late December.

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