Donald Trump on Joe Biden: “He won because the elections were rigged”


US President Donald Trump lost the election to Democrat Joe Biden. So far he hasn’t admitted it. The Republican, on the other hand, presents himself as the victim of vast electoral fraud. On Twitter he has now spoken for the first time about Biden’s election victory, but has also repeated his allegations of fraud.

“He won because the elections were rigged,” Trump wrote in his post. Twitter reacted immediately to the statement and issued a warning.

With his statement, Trump reacts to a tweet in which a presenter of the Fox News television channel wondered what Biden might be like if he had a weak election campaign. He reiterates his allegations, which have not yet been proven, that no election observers were admitted and that the software used during the count falsified the results.

“I admit nothing!”

Shortly thereafter, Trump moved on and put his first statement into perspective. “He only won in the eyes of the fake media,” the president wrote in another tweet ahead of Biden. “I admit NOTHING! We still have a long way to go,” the tweet said. The election was manipulated. This tweet also came with a caveat.

Trump’s lawyers have filed various lawsuits in different states. It wasn’t until Sunday evening that he put the legal battle over the election results in the hands of his lawyer and longtime partner Rudy Giuliani.

According to US media calculations, Biden clearly won the election. On Friday, broadcasters CNN and ABC declared the former vice president the winner in the hard-fought southern state of Georgia. With 16 voters from Georgia, Biden now has 306 of the country’s 538 voters and it takes 270 to win an election. Trump, proclaimed winner in the equally disputed North Carolina, has a total of 232 voters. Biden’s lead is considered sufficient to withstand the recount and partial success of Trump’s previous lawsuits.

Thousands of Trump supporters protest alleged election fraud

Regardless, thousands of Trump supporters took to the streets for a second term for the president of the United States. Protesters demanded “another four years” for Trump in the White House despite Biden’s election victory on Saturday and denounced the alleged election fraud. Trump waved to fans from his presidential limo on the way to golf.

Trump’s convoy passed Freedom Plaza on its way to his golf club outside the US capital, where at least 10,000 supporters of the president from across the country had gathered. Trump smiled and greeted cheering protesters from inside the car. On Friday evening he promised to “pass by the demonstrators and say hello”.

For days Trump has been talking about alleged electoral fraud and accusing the Democrats of wanting to “steal” his election. To date, the electoral authorities have not reported any major irregularities in any state. On Thursday, high-ranking representatives of US electoral authorities even firmly rejected allegations of fraud in a joint statement: the November 3 elections were “the safest in American history.”

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