Donald Trump: Millions of “canceled” electoral votes? Clear announcement to the president of the United States


  • Marvin Ziegele

    fromMarvin Ziegele

    to conclude

Donald Trump suspects election fraud in the 2020 US election and attacks voting machine maker Dominion. The reacts clearly to the criticisms of the president of the United States.

  • Donald Trump keep holding on Accusations claims the 2020 US election was rigged.
  • trump launches the corporate voting machine Domain first, secretly vote for Joe Biden For having “converted”.
  • A spokesperson for the company now comments on the Accusations from Donald Trump.

Washington DC – Still fighting Donald Trump against something unfair in his eyes US elections 2020 to. The incumbent US president continues to argue that the November 3, 2020 election was false and numerous votes were given to the winner Joe Biden have been attributed.

Donald Trump regularly talks about election fraud in the United States. (Archive photo)

© Andrew Caballero-Reynolds / AFP

By the way, accused Donald Trump also the company Dominion Voting Systems. The company produces voting machines and also develops voting software. Now the company has responded to the allegations Donald Trump answers.

Donald Trump talks about election fraud: Dominion reacts to accusations

Donald Trump accused the company of “canceling” over 2.7 million votes cast for him and against the corresponding ballot papers for his competitor Joe Biden I agree to have swapped. Trump relies mainly on information from the broadcaster known for spreading conspiracy theories One America News Network (OAN).

In an interview with Fox News Company spokesman Michael Steel spoke about the allegations Donald Trump. “It is physically impossible. See if a voter is on one Domain-The machine chooses, fills out a ballot paper on a touch screen.

In many US counties, voting was done using a voting machine. Donald Trump takes this opportunity to talk about election fraud. Directly attack the manufacturer Dominion.

© Justin Lane / dpa

He will then be given a printed copy to give to a local election official to keep it safe. If electronic interference were to occur, the digitally completed coupon would not match the printed copy. And in any case, in Georgia as a whole United States of America, the paper and digital forms agree “.

Dominion reacts to Donald Trump’s allegations: “Just a tool”

Donald Trumps Lawyer Sidney Powell, who has since been fired, had protested Domain they have a “long history” of counterfeiting. Additionally, votes in the 2020 US elections were counted in countries such as Spain and Germany. Steel denied these claims. “We are just offering a tool that counts votes. A machine that prints and counts ballot papers. I never would Electoral fraud it can happen, and there is no connection between our company and Venezuela, Germany, Barcelona or whatever the latest conspiracy theory claims. ”

Steel, who considers himself a conservative Republican, stressed that Dominion “would like to see facts or evidence.” “But until now there weren’t any.” In fact I did Donald Trump won the election in the 14 counties of Pennsylvania using the company’s machines. (Marvin Ziegele)

Rubriklistenbild: © Andrew Caballero-Reynolds / AFP

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