Donald Trump loses allies: many Republicans turn away


  • Lukas Rogalla

    fromLukas Rogalla

    to conclude

With their lawsuits and attempts to overturn the outcome of the 2020 US election, Donald Trump and his legal department are facing increasing resistance within his own party.

  • Donald Trump insists on his accusations that it is Electoral fraud having given.
  • Most Republicans are silent about the sometimes insane claims – from which they increasingly stray trump from.
  • The claims of trump and his legal team are becoming increasingly dubious.

Washington DC – Loyal supporters are still fencing Donald Trump the result of US elections 2020 a – and also the supposed accusations Electoral fraud become more doubtful every day.

But in much of the United States of America and among many members of the republican party Trump and his legal department often encounter silent opposition. That Joe Biden as a winner of the American elections and the next president of the United States emerges, many will have already accepted.

Donald Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, spreads confusing allegations about alleged election fraud.


2020 US election: More and more Republicans are turning away from Donald Trump

At the latest at the press conference of Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell on Thursday (November 19, 2020) many should Republicans It will become clear that the legal department’s allegations are around Donald Trump they have reached a peak of absurdity. The American elections it had been manipulated with the money of a block of communist countries, including Venezuela, by installing some algorithms on the voting computers that compromise the result. This is what Trump’s attorney Sidney Powell said.

A former legal representative of the Republican National Committee, Mark Braden, still believes it Electoral fraud has arrived, but thinks the claims are crazy. “Look – election fraud is happening,” he told the news site “The Hill”. “I’ve seen it. It happens. But you have to be realistic about the size and scope.” The fact that Venezuela has interfered with voting computers is “one hundred percent nonsense,” says Braden. “I don’t know what’s going on here. It is very dangerous to undermine the system. ”

2020 US elections: Donald Trump still suspects election fraud – Republicans distance themselves

republican as Mitt Romney had long been criticized Donald Trump and his expressions were exercised. But allies of the president of the United States, such as Senator Joni Ernst and Senator Tom Cotton, also distance themselves from the theories. It’s not time for press conferences, but for trials and trials, Cotton said. Ernst was outraged by Powell’s claims that candidates on both sides had transferred money to the makers of the voting computers to influence the outcome. The allegations are “absolutely monstrous”.

Trump’s allegations of election fraud are met with growing skepticism, mainly because no one has yet been able to produce hard evidence. trump-Lealist Tucker Carlson of “Fox News” said Thursday night (November 19, 2020) that attorney Sidney Powell turned down an invitation to his show to defend his hypothesis. “He never sent us any evidence,” Carlson said, “despite many polite requests,” to which Powell even responded angrily.

A Reuters-Ipsos poll shows that about half of Republicans believe Donald Trump he would “legitimately win” the elections. This number will continue to decline over the next few weeks as local Republican politicians are slowly caving in. The Republican-led board of directors in Maricopa County, Arizona won the Democrat victory Joe Biden now confirmed. The president had declared that no election fraud and misconduct could be found, reports the Washington Post. Georgia’s Republican governor Brian Kemp also announced that Biden’s victory will be official. He refuses to approve Trump’s protests against election fraud.

US 2020 election: Republicans with “silent resistance” against Donald Trump

Overall, however, a large percentage of Republicans are silent: they face a dilemma. If you contradict Donald Trump’s claims, you will soon find yourself in the crosshairs of the President and his loyal fans. However, talk about it undisturbed Electoral fraud and a legitimate victory for the incumbent, they lose credibility. Either way, this could damage your political career. Therefore, some make limited or very vague claims about the integrity of the file American elections defend him, but at the same time don’t bother the president too much.

Donald Trump and his campaign meanwhile exerted considerable pressure on the “swing states” in which he lost. In Pennsylvania For example, Team Trump asked a judge to declare him the winner even though he lost the state by 82,000 votes. In Michigan Republicans refuse to support Trump’s coup. Mike Shirkey, majority leader in the Michigan Senate, had announced that it would not come this far.

Title list image: © MANDEL NGAN / AFP

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