Donald Trump: Invitation to Michigan MPs: New Tactic to Stay in Power


Donald Trump’s lawyers have so far lost a number of trials in an attempt to challenge the US election results. Now, the president-elect’s strategy of maintaining power appears to be increasingly focused on convincing Republican leaders to intervene on his behalf in the states that Joe Biden has won.

For the Michigan state dispute, Trump invited two Republicans to a meeting at the White House on Friday. The news agencies Reuters and AP, as well as the New York Times report. Two people familiar with the matter said Trump had invited Michigan Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and House Speaker Lee Chatfield. Apparently they also agreed to accept the invitation. They would both visit the White House and listen to what Trump has to say.

Neither Shirkey nor Chatfield have commented on the matter. But both are said to have previously indicated that they will not try to overturn Biden’s victory. Trump is over 150,000 votes behind in Michigan.

According to the AP, Trump’s team apparently has the idea of ​​convincing well-meaning Republicans to appoint electorates who could vote against the wishes of the voters, according to the AP. If Trump manages to convince the Michigan State Electoral Council not to confirm Biden’s victory in the state, state lawmakers may be asked to select voters. However, such a move would be unprecedented and potentially illegal. It would result in a quick legal challenge.

Trump’s lawyers had withdrawn the lawsuit

According to US media calculations, Biden has 306 voters behind him and 270 are needed for the presidential election. Michigan, for example, has the votes of 16 voters. Even with a victory there, Trump would still lack a certain number of voters.

Previously, Trump’s legal representatives were known to have withdrawn their lawsuit in Michigan. They were able to prevent confirmation of the results in the Wayne County constituency, a statement read. However, it was initially doubtful that this was actually the case.

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