Donald Trump fired the Pentagon chief


Although he still hasn’t acknowledged his electoral defeat and with 10 weeks left in his term, US President Donald Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Monday.

“Mark Esper was fired,” Trump suddenly declared on Twitter. “I appreciate your service.”

It’s a decision that’s been waiting for months since Esper opposed Trump’s plan to deploy the military to crack down on anti-racial protests this summer.

Speaker of the House of Representatives and Democratic leader in Congress, Nancy Pelosi, called Esper’s firing “disturbing evidence” of Trump’s intention to “wreak havoc. Time and time again, Trump’s recklessness endangers. our national security, “he added in a statement.

Trump has appointed Christopher Miller, head of the National Counterterrorism Center, as interim defense secretary, AFP reports.

Miller, retired after 31 years in the military and served on missions in Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003 with the special forces, served as Trump’s counterterrorism advisor and deputy defense secretary for special operations.

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