Donald Trump: Does the Constitution use the Constitution to undermine elections in the United States? The lawyer devises a treacherous plan


Donald Trump and his team are not giving up. They just don’t want to acknowledge the electoral defeat. Now they are about to attack the democratic process.

  • The still president of the United States Donald Trump refuses to defeat his election to the Democrats Joe Biden to recognize.
  • After unsuccessful claims against counting in several states, attention is turning to this “Electoral College”.
  • Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani he has come up with a plan – in which he seems not to believe in himself.

Washington – In den United States of America the new president of the United States is not elected directly, but through voters. The Demokrat Joe Biden conquer. It is the winner of the US elections 2020. Just not for Donald Trump and his faithful followers. Now he’s trying “Electoral College”*, or the electoral committee, to be used for its own purposes. Why: The results are not yet official. First a complicated system is set in motion.

That’s exactly where Trump wants to throw a stick into the wire. For another four years President of the United States to be. His approach is very unlikely in practice, but at least possible in theory. One of the reasons for this: the Additional Article 12 of the United States Constitution.

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Ideas go with that Trump-Team not from. Their strategy of proving an alleged bogus election in several states has failed. So now a change of plans: that Electoral Council comes into focus. On December 14, the electorate will meet to vote in favor Joe Biden * or Donald Trump Send. Voters should suddenly be different vote or some states won’t try to certify their electorate, a small window could open for Trump.

Apparently he wants to go through that. The desired situation must be such that neither Joe Biden yet Donald Trump at least 270 voters to have. Then the American elections go to Congress, says the US constitutional attorney Kirk Junker I am Handelsblatt. And the United States House of Representatives vote who is next President of the United States is.

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With that comes Additional Article 12 the United States Constitution in the game. “However, if the vote goes to the House of Representatives after the 12th Amendment, every state gets a vote, so there’s no proportional vote,” he says. Kirk Junker I am Handelsblatt. The hope Donald Trumps that’s when he could win like that. Because the US president still assumes that there are more Republican states than Democrats. However, this is expected to take place on December 14th Electoral Council a miracle for Donald Trump * to happen.

In this and another thought game, the Southern German newspaper a: the certification of Electors. If the deadline by December 8 is not met, in theory the State parliaments of proper states voters to choose. And for example one republican instead of one Democrats * Send. This too: more than unlikely.

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Again: that trump Playing with such a thought is harmful, according to US newspapers Washington Post, New York Times and the TV station CNN of American democracy. “The problem is, he’s speaking for the president of the United States,” says the Republican lawyer Benjamin Ginsberg in front of CNN.

The Washington Post writes that “the prospect that a presidential election could be stolen from within” represents, according to legal experts, a “historical level of risk”. Washington Post argued further, would have Trump in at least three of the six Swing states * convincing Republicans to reject the votes of their constituents. A plan dating back to Trump’s personal attorney: Rudy Giuliani. This recently had a bizarre appearance at a press conference.

In the state Pennsylvania Trump’s team is currently trying to sue for not confirming the election result there. Instead the state parliament, as in the theory of SZappoint your electorate. The explosive for Trump: in local parliaments they have it Republican * the majority. This reports the German news agency. He is following the plan for which this will happen Joe Biden December 14 for him, Donald Trump vote. Against the wishes of their constituents. The same happens Michigan in front of you. The still president of the United States has Republican representatives in parliament White House invited, reports among other things the Washington Post.

Trump lawyer Giuliani: Joe Biden’s victory should be questioned – Whitmer opposes

That something like this happens is also for Giuliani unlikely. This is what they say behind republican doors. But according to this information, Giuliani appears to believe he can delay the results long enough Bidens Doubt of victory. A recent survey by the Monmouth University claims that 70 percent of republican to believe, Joe Biden he would only win by cheating. Although no evidence of any alleged electoral manipulation to exist.

The Democrat * Governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer – who had almost fallen victim to a conspiracy – said in the meantime: “I beg the people to put the country above the party and do the will of the people – to respect the law and to ensure that the will of the people is reflected in our constituents and not playing with this fundamental part of our democracy. ” (aka) * Mercury. de is part of the Ippen-Digital network.

Title list image: © Patrick Semansky / dpa

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