Donald Trump 2024: President May Announce Rerun of Elections On Biden Inauguration Day | World | news


President Trump continues to claim victory over the 2020 U.S. election after President-elect Biden is named as the winner. Trump accused the Democratic Party of widespread election fraud despite multiple failed lawsuits.

Three sources close to the Trump administration told the Daily Beast that President Trump spoke with his close advisors and confidants about a potential candidacy in 2024.

They also revealed how Trump could announce his retaliation to disrupt President-elect Biden’s first term in the White House.

Two of the sources told the Daily Beast that Trump, for the past two weeks, has been contemplating the idea of ​​doing a “2024-related event” during Biden’s inauguration week.

They added that the president mocked the idea of ​​holding the event on inauguration day in January if his continued legal efforts to win the 2020 election fail.

Two sources also told the Daily Beast that Trump privately bragged that he would remain in media attention even if Biden took office.

They said this is because Mr. Trump believes the news media will regularly keep him in the spotlight as he gets their ratings and those same outlets find Mr. Biden “boring.”

This comes amid other claims that the president is considering a presidential run in 2024.

Mr. Trump would be constitutionally eligible to be president of the United States again in 2024 as he only served one term in the White House.

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Another poll by Politico and Morning Consult found that Trump would win the Republican presidential nomination in 2014 if he decided to run again.

On Thursday, Trump said he will leave the White House if Biden is formally confirmed as the next US president.

Speaking to reporters in the White House for the first time since losing the election, Trump continued to refuse to concede.

He insisted that “this race is far from over”.

Voters in the United States will meet on December 14 to formalize the election results.

President-elect Biden is therefore expected to be inaugurated on January 20 next year.

Mr. Biden leads the president with 306 votes to 232 under the US constituency system which gives him a big win over Trump.

Earlier this week, the president agreed to allow Biden’s team’s formal transition to begin after it had been delayed.

On Thursday in the White House, Trump said: “It will be a very difficult thing to admit because we know there has been massive fraud.”

However, the fraud allegations were denied by independent election experts.

Mr. Trump is not required to concede for President-elect Biden to take office.

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