Developers launch BDIP: a cash proposal process for Bitcoin for decentralized apps

Developers launch BDIP: a cash proposal process for Bitcoin for decentralized apps

Technology and security

In recent months, the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) developers who created the Yenom portfolio have developed many BCH applications and tools. On November 3, the developer of Yenom, Shun Usami, revealed a new proposition model for decentralized application development proposals called the BDIP standard (Bitcoin Dapps Improvement Proposal).

Read also: The new Bitcoin Cash Stress test records 700,000 transactions in a day

Proposals for decentralized cash applications in Bitcoins

<img class = "alignright wp-image-240412″ title=”Developers launch BDIP: a cash proposal process for Bitcoin for decentralized apps” src=”×233.png” alt=”Developers launch BDIP: a cash proposal process for Bitcoin for decentralized apps "width =" 207 "height =" 161 "srcset =" DzyBgtTr-300×233. png 300w,×598.png 768w, DzyBgtTr-1024×797.png 1024w,×542.png 696w, 2018/11 / DzyBgtTr-1392×1083.png 1392w,×831.png 1068w, content / upload / 2018/11 / DzyBgtTr-540×420.png 540w, 1456w "sizes =" (maximum width: 207px) 100vw , 207px”/>Since the introduction of re-enabled opcodes last May, Bitcoin Cash developers have been constantly working on applications such as, Bitdb and other platforms. Shun Use me from the BCH-centric Yenom wallet, revealed Saturday a new scheme called the BDIP standard. The process is aimed at the development (in) of decentralized application using the BCH chain. BDIP is the acronym of Bitcoin Dapps Improvement Proposal, and is a similar scheme to the EIP model of Ethereum and the original BIP system of Amir Taaki created in 2011 for the Bitcoin Core (BTC) network. Essentially, the BDIP system is designed to characterize the new simple things built on the BCH network, in addition to describing what the applications and processes associated with the platform do.

"The BDIP should provide a concise technical specification of the function and a motivation for the function" Github BDIP Repository He explains. "The author of the BDIP is responsible for building consensus in the community and for dissident opinions".

The BDIP documentation also explains the logic behind the standard. Developers believe that the process is a suitable method for keeping track of decentralized applications built on the BCH chain. In this way programmers and users can check the status of an implementation and maybe provide feedback, check for any problems or see if software developers are already active.

The repository continues by stating:

For Bitcoin implementers, BDIPs are a convenient way to monitor the progress of their implementation. Ideally, every implementation maintainer would list the BDIPs they implemented. This will provide end users with a convenient way to know the current status of a particular implementation or library.

<img class = "aligncenter size-full wp-image-240420″ title=”Developers launch BDIP: a cash proposal process for Bitcoin for decentralized apps” src=”” alt=”Developers launch BDIP: a cash-making process for bitcoins for decentralized apps "width =" 3200 "height =" 1400 "srcset =" BDIPS.jpg 3200w,×131.jpg 300w, 11 / BDIPS- 768×336.jpg 768w,×448.jpg 1024w, uploads / 2018/11 / BDIPS-696×305.jpg 696w,×609.jpg 1392w, wp-content / upload / 2018/11 / BDIPS-1068×467.jpg 1068w,×420.jpg 960w "sizes =" (maximum width : 3200px) 100vw, 3200px”/>

The first BDIP

According to the specifications, there are three types of BDIPs that include a standard track, an informative BDIP and the described processes related to the BCH application. The authors of the BDIP explain that a proposal must meet the criteria and be completely descriptive of the nominated intentions of the application. The developers advise BDIP authors to "check their project" to make sure the proposal is original and useful. "It helps to ensure that the idea is applicable to the whole community and not just to the author," adds the repository.

After the announcement of the BDIP process, the creator of Bitbox and the developer of BCH Gabriel Cardona detailed on Twitter he created the first BDIP called Dapp ID, a "unique identifier for a single protocol with the specifics of the first". In addition to the creation of the BDIP, the developers of Yenom had recently proposed a new protocol for the deep link payment, on October 21st. The developers also won the first San Francisco BCH Devcon and introduced a new Bitcoin Cash Kit (BCK) for BCH developers that contains the first Bitcoin Cash library (lib) for iOS software.

What do you think of the BDIP process for Bitcoin Cash applications? Let us know what you think of this topic in the comments section below.

Images via Shutterstock, Github and Pixabay.

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