Desert Bighorn Sheep Endangered by Trump Wall – Look


Biologists hit the alarm! The border wall designed by Donald Trump would endanger the habitat of thousands of animals. Even threatened desert bighorn sheep would be in danger.

Donald Trump is struggling hard to build his wall on the Mexican border. So far without success. This should be among animal rights activists. Because the gigantic construction project threatens the habitat of many animals, including desert bighorn sheep. This is exactly at home in the border area. The bighorn sheep is a threatened species, until recently only a few hundred animals lived. Only in recent years has the population recovered thanks to the efforts of environmentalists.

Now the wall could destroy this effort. The 3200-kilometer fence would cut the habitat of 1100 animals and 400 species of plants, biologists write in an analysis on the journal BioScience. These include jaguars, ocelots, various species of butterflies and birds. In this way the animals will not only have access to food, water and other conspecifics, but will prevent them from achieving safety during fires, floods or heat waves.

Passeriform owls are also at risk because they can not fly more than four meters above the ground.

«Wild Ecological Catastrophe»

Researchers therefore require the abandonment of a building wall. Otherwise, it would be "an unbridled ecological catastrophe," says Jennifer Miller of the Defenders of Wildlife protection organization.

The bighorn sheep have at least nine herds that regularly migrate back and forth between the United States and Mexico. It would be important for them that the barrier was permeable. It is not however in Trump's interest. He wants a concrete construction. (Man)

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