Demonstration in Washington: Trump’s spokesperson speaks of a million fans


Under the motto “Stop theft”, thousands of supporters of the still President Donald Trump gathered to protest the election results. Over a million people are said to have arrived from the Trump camp. There were riots in the evening.

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Thousands or more than a million?  Trump supporters took to the streets on Saturday in Washington.  (November 14, 2020)

Thousands or more than a million? Trump supporters took to the streets on Saturday in Washington. (November 14, 2020)


The motto of the event was

The motto of the event was “Stop the theft”.


Donald Trump greeted his supporters from his armored vehicle on his way to golf.

Donald Trump greeted his supporters from his armored vehicle on his way to golf.


  • Donald Trump supporters came to Washington to protest the election results.

  • The spokeswoman for the current president spoke of over a million people – observers against a maximum of 10,000.

  • Donald Trump greeted his supporters from his car.

  • On the margins there were arrests and riots.

Several thousand supporters of US President Donald Trump gathered in downtown Washington on Saturday to support him. They shouted slogans like “Four more years” and “We want Trump”. The outgoing president, who still does not recognize his electoral defeat, greeted them from an armored vehicle bound for the golf club. He had announced the day before that he could stop by the demonstrators and greet his fans.

The event was called “Million MAGA March”, based on Trump’s campaign motto “Make America Great Again”. Trump spokesperson Kayleigh McEnany spoke on Twitter of a million attendees. “Madness! More than a million protesters for President Trump. The best political base in history. We love you!”

However, observers and media ratings ranged from a few thousand to just over 10,000. The Trump administration had already started its term by exaggerating the number of attendees when it opened in January 2017. A week earlier, many more people were celebrating on the streets of Washington when Joe Bidens’ victory in the US presidential election was announced. .

Washington police arrested ten attendees of the Trump demonstration in the afternoon, mostly for violating gun rules, NBC broadcaster reported. After the event, there were occasional clashes between supporters and critics of the president of the city.

Motto “Stop the theft”

Speakers at the demonstration in Freedom Plaza, not far from the White House, followed Trump’s account that his victory was stolen from him by massive election fraud. They promised to keep fighting and abused the media for wrongly declaring Biden the winner of the election. “Fox News are enemies of the people!” Shouted one of the speakers in the crowd. The channel of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire has long been Trump’s home broadcaster, but recently it has strayed considerably from him. The president had repeatedly referred to the media as “enemies of the people”.

According to US media calculations, Democrat Biden clearly won the presidential election. Therefore, we arrive at 306 votes of the electors, 270 are necessary for the victory. In his 2016 victory, Trump was also able to attract exactly 306 voters to his side. In the United States, the president is not elected directly, but by the electorate that follows the election results in their states.

Trump recently spread rumors, among other things, that the software used in the vote count had converted the votes cast for him in favor of Biden. The program producer, election officials, and several US government agencies have rejected this. “Stop the theft” was a motto for the Trump supporters’ march on Saturday.

Many participants without masks

The longest speech at the rally was delivered by newly elected Republican MP Marjorie Taylor Greene. “The Democrats are no longer an American party,” he announced. One reason is because they wanted to take their weapons away from the Americans, Greene said. Now is the time to form “a base army”.

Taylor Greene became known during the election campaign as a supporter of the QAnon conspiracy theory. The central claim of QAnon supporters is that there is a conspiracy against US President Donald Trump in the deepest layers of the US government apparatus. They also claim that prominent Democratic Party politicians in the United States have been treated with hormones made from the blood of children.

Many participants in the demonstration wore no masks. Trump had always claimed in his election campaign that the United States would soon be over the mountain in the pandemic. Furthermore, he often pointed out that he himself had quickly overcome his Covid 19 disease, even though he had been treated with an antibody drug that was still experimental.

Meanwhile, the crown situation in the United States is becoming increasingly out of control. Friday was the next record with 184,514 new infections, according to data from Johns Hopkins University (JHU). More than 1,400 people died.


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