Deep state and vaccine conspiracy


One week before the election, the US number one expert on epidemics Dr. Anthony Fauci He painted a pessimistic picture of the near future. He said normalization will end next year, maybe even more than a year. Donald Trump threatened to expel him from the streets of the rally, the voters “Put it down, stop it”,shouted slogans. In the US, where millions of people have been infected with the virus and hundreds of thousands have died, a candidate went to elections under these conditions who did not even conduct a traditional electoral campaign and did not shake hands, because he was a politician responsible for the president who did not take the virus seriously and humiliated those who wear the mask.

Joe Biden In his pre-election research, he realized that the weakest part of his opponent was handling the virus and built his campaign on that. Democratic Party members on every occasion “If Trump wins, he will take away your health insurance”, remained true to his message. Also trumpThey said he even hastened the judge appointed by the Constitutional Court to destroy health insurance.

The elections were held on Tuesday 3 November. But the results weren’t clear until Saturday noon. Joe BidenWhen it became clear that Turkey had won enough states, everyone took to the streets and celebrated for hours. The country is four years old trump At the end of his term, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and start looking to the future with hope.

The country woke up to even more promising news on Monday. Studies on the COVID-19 vaccine, jointly conducted by Pfizer with BionTech, yielded 90% positive results. In short, the vaccine was upon us. A week and 10 days after Pfizer, Moderna’s vaccine studies yielded positive results. This is the official date of the job. But is it really that simple?

Did you expect the election result to give the good news of the vaccination?

Donald Trump It necessarily expresses doubts. According to him, the deep state underlies the whole process. Because what he wanted most was to announce the vaccine before the election, and many times he even gave good news that the vaccine was imminent. But none of us trumpWe have chosen not to believe it. Even in pre-election discussions Biden-Harris The two have even hinted that they will not use any vaccines that Trump will give.

Pfizer wanted to announce the positive developments regarding the vaccine at the end of October. The vaccine worked well on 32 subjects, but they later increased the number and eventually announced their conclusion on 92. According to the company, this sample number would give a clearer result; also the consequences BidenThey found out the day after the company’s winner announced and made it public immediately on Monday. In short, according to the official statement, if they had arrived at this result before the elections, they would have announced it.

Another question mark about the vaccine is how it was produced in such a short time. The vaccine, which has received the fastest production and approval from the doomsday scenarios designed since the outbreak began, was said to have taken four years. Although it takes four years for the development and approval of the mumps vaccine, how will the COVID-19 vaccine, which has been tested in a few months and achieved 90-95% success, be released, in a few weeks? There is a scientific explanation for this: Corona virus is not a new virus, the RNA tests in which the vaccine was developed have been tested for years. The vaccine came out not in a few months, but after years of research.

Sure, anyone who says I cut trumpand some people will be convinced by the claims of drug companies.

What if both sides tell the truth?

Pfizer could well explain the results on 32 people. Previously, companies like Moderna quickly shared their less clear progress. Results on 92 people BidenIt is also certainly true that the victory appeared the day after its announcement. But it would be naïve to claim that the big drug companies that will make billions of dollars of fortune from this drug are making their strides regardless of policy.

Don’t underestimate Pfizer, this is a very influential company on politics.

All drug companies, especially Pfizer, had financial reasons to complete the vaccine as soon as possible. They had already received orders worth billions of lire from states, including the United States. At the beginning of the pandemic, thanks to its foundation, he devoted years to research on epidemics. Bill Gates He had already explained that six to seven billion dollars could be wasted if necessary, but eventually one of them would cost.

Pfizer also ranks 25th among the most lobbied companies in the United States, spending $ 11 million last year to influence institutions like the Center for Epidemics (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). WikiLeaks cables explain that Pfizer has lobbied ministers in various countries to remove investigating ministers to cover up past scandals. We should also ask the Nigerians of the company that today looks like a savior. Like many pharmaceutical companies, Pfizer has a dirty history.

69 percent between government agencies and Pfizer “revolving door” According to data announced by Open Secrets: In other words, government agency employees start working at Pfizer, Pfizer employees turn to important authorities in relevant places in the state.

Such a society will not get involved in politics, but who will?

Who spent the Trump boss?

trumpOne of the US’s biggest goals was to lower the prices of drugs sold in the US: no politician had succeeded, bringing health insurance Obama also. He also signed a presidential order, albeit for a show. trump. Although there have been no concrete changes, it has opened this issue for discussion. Could this bother pharmaceutical companies a lot?

Because the same centers of power speak of free health services provided by the state, such as free education. Bernie Sandersalso prevented from being a presidential candidate.

trumpIt is certain that it rocked the establishment in the United States. I don’t know if there is a deep state. At least not clumsy enough to jump into a Mercedes and crash into a truck like we do. Political powers such as pharmaceutical companies, media, party leaders, lobbyists, financial institutions and banks are the main determinants in the United States.

It tends to be the trumpet of those who pay more than most politicians Donald Trump-Turkey was also an excellent opportunity for the president who could not even resort to pharmaceutical companies. They could make them do what they wanted. but TrumpIn four years it was understood that it would represent a threat both to world politics and to the established order: yes, it was the profitability of one’s family, but precisely for this reason it tends to be used by many outbreaks (Russia, etc.) . This is why he is an unreliable, uncertain, irresistible personality. Joe Biden promised stability. We understand that this stability is also in favor of the established order.

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