Cruel announcement by meteorologists. Extreme weather phenomenon. It will take months


Meteorologists say there is a 95% chance that La Nina, an extreme weather phenomenon, will continue to manifest during the winter in the Northern Hemisphere, from January to March. The announcement was made Thursday by representatives of the Center for Climatic Forecasting (CPC) within the US National Meteorological Service, Reuters informs.

The probability that this phenomenon will continue in the spring of 2021, from March to May, has been estimated at 65%.

What is the La Nina phenomenon

The La Nina phenomenon is characterized by unusually low temperatures in the equatorial regions of the Pacific Ocean and is associated with floods and droughts.

Last month, US meteorologists announced that the chances of the La Nina phenomenon continuing to manifest during the winter of 2021 were 85%.

The Center for Climate Forecasting (CPC) of the National Meteorological Service of the United States has announced that the latest forecasts, based on various computer analysis models, suggest the possibility of a serious episode of the La Nina phenomenon, which reaches its maximum intensity in the period November 2020 – January 2021.

Experts predict La Nina will affect the entire US climate in the coming months, according to the CPC’s monthly forecast bulletin.

This meteorological phenomenon occurred most recently between September and November 2017 and lasted until the beginning of 2018.

Will we have snow in winter 2020-2021?

As we approach the cold season, many people are wondering what winter 2020-2021 will be like.

Meteorologist Roxana Bojariu said we will most likely have warmer winters, but there will be blizzards and cold temperatures.

We cannot exclude the occurrence of cold winters, but it is very likely that we will have increasingly hot winters, with episodes of snowstorms, very low temperatures. Even if we’re talking about extremely short episodes, their impact can be significant.

Extreme phenomena should not be overlooked when it comes to global warming. In a warm winter, a very short blizzard is enough, which can upset the entire economy.

So the freezing winters, with the Trojans, are just a reminder of the generations born up to the 90s. Over the past two decades, the cold season has become increasingly mild, said Roxana Bojariu, an ANM climatologist.

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