COVID-19. Europe is preparing for a “sober” Christmas, with fewer family members at the table and “no kisses or hugs”


The watchword is moderation. And, although the Christmas period lends itself to socializing with friends and family, this year Europe is preparing to impose discipline on court celebrations, maintaining or tightening the rules against gatherings.

The pandemic numbers do not allow, in most cases, the easing of restrictions and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has already warned it: taking measures to allow family reunions at Christmas is the way to overload the hospitals in January. So, little by little, governments are lowering the expectations of those who still believed that a traditional style consonant was possible.


Family and social gatherings limited to six people and a night confinement extended to the period between 1:00 and 6:00 on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, the Spanish government proposes in a document released this Tuesday and which will be presented at the Inter-territorial Council of the National Health System (SNS).

The ‘Proposals for public health measures to address Covid-19 for the celebration of Christmas holidays’ collects measures aimed at making the upcoming holidays safer and the recommendation is also that family reunions are limited to regular cohabitants. If the group expands, then the rule is that no more than six people get together, each guaranteeing individual protection rules.

As for out-of-family meetings, they should be avoided or, alternatively, preferably kept outdoors, while university students are asked to “limit social interactions and strengthen preventive measures before returning home for the holidays. . “.

The Spanish government also wants to avoid all unnecessary travel. Travel between communities will be permitted, but should be the “exception” and should be done with the utmost caution. In case of international travel, citizens of a country or a risk area must submit a negative test to covid-19, carried out within 72 hours before arrival in Spanish territory. Otherwise, they will have to do it upon arrival.

Before these national proposals, the regional government of Madrid had already asked the Spanish executive to authorize antigen tests (those that allow rapid results) in pharmacies in the region, so that the entire population of the autonomous community can perform them before doing plans for Christmas.

Most of the traditional Reis Magos parades on January 5th have already been canceled in the country.


With non-essential exchanges closed for almost a month now, Belgian families are preparing to mark the date limited to their smallest nuclei, i.e. limited to elements that share the same home, with no right to make or receive visits. A survey by the University of Antwerp reveals that 86% of Belgians are resigned to staying at home on 6 December, St. Nicholas’ Day, the date on which children receive gifts in Belgium. They admit, at the most, to invite a person from outside their family circle, respecting the restrictions in force.

The prime minister will lead by example. Alexander de Croo shared a few days ago that he will spend Christmas alone with his wife and two children. “I would like to be with more people, but you don’t have to be a virologist to know that this is probably the right way to go,” he said, leaving a warning: “You have to be very careful and limit the celebrations.”

Until Christmas, the country will update the rules, according to the evolution of covid-19, but no changes are to be expected with regard to the need to maintain social distances.


No ice rinks, no Christmas markets. Paris will give up two of its most emblematic court traditions, but with a total of over 46,000 deaths and around two million confirmed cases, France has been one of the countries in Europe to endure a tougher second wave and we must move forward carefully. . The reconfiguration implemented in early November finally seems to be reflected in the daily averages, with the level of infections slowing, but hospitals remain under extreme pressure.

Christmas “will not be normal”, anticipated Anne-Marie Moulin, a doctor specializing in tropical diseases and emeritus director of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), one of those chosen to evaluate measures in the country to tackle the pandemic. President Emmanuel Macron warned Tuesday that “this Christmas holiday will not be like any other”, warning that travel between regions will depend on the numbers of the outbreak. Exceptionally, on December 25th and 31st there will be no curfew, which runs from 21:00 to 7:00.


Together with the United Kingdom, Italy ranks third in the world for mortality due to coronavirus, a statistic that has already led Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to prepare Italians for a “more sober” Christmas. “Big parties, kisses and hugs will not be possible,” he warned, knowing that the measures in force will be maintained, at least until the end of the court.

The country continues with the types of imprisonment determined according to the three defined risk areas, based on the number of deaths, hospitalized in intensive care and positive tests.


On the contrary, the British Prime Minister is preparing to suspend the confinement in England, a measure that will come into force on 2 December.

According to a government source, quoted by “Sky News”, the intention is to move towards a ‘bubble’ solution, which will allow three families to get together during the Christmas period.

Boris Johnson finalizes the details of a national plan that “grants families the opportunity to meet friends and loved ones”, confident that the end of the pandemic “is in sight”. The intention is to implement national standards, which address the current differences between Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The terms of that plan will be discussed by the four UK nations this afternoon, including the lifting of travel restrictions, between 23-27 December

As regards travel, the modification of the quarantine regime to be imposed on international passengers arriving in the United Kingdom from areas at risk had already been reported. Provided they undergo a test and fail the covid, the quarantine is reduced to five days, instead of the 14 currently required. The measure will take effect on December 15.

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