Covid-19: Brazil reaches 5.9 million infected and totals 166,699 deaths – News


Of this total, 685 deaths and 35,294 new cases have been recorded in the past 24 hours, at which time the covid-19 death rate in the country is set at 2.8%.

Sao Paulo (1,178,075), Minas Gerais (385,427), Bahia (375,374) and Rio de Janeiro (330,009) are the Brazilian states with the highest number of infections.

The federative units with the highest number of deaths are São Paulo (40,749), Rio de Janeiro (21,474), Minas Gerais (9,531) and Ceará (9,448).

The transmission speed of the new coronavirus in Brazil, the Portuguese-speaking country most affected by the pandemic and one of the most affected in the world, has risen again, according to data from Imperial College London, a reference in monitoring epidemics.

The index recorded in the South American country is now 1.10, that is, every 100 infected people transmit the virus to another 110 who, in turn, transmit it to another 109, progressively reducing the extent of the disease.

The contagion rate is one of the main references for monitoring the epidemiological evolution of covid-19, and now it shows an increase in this indicator in Brazil, after several weeks of decline.

Last week, Imperial College London reported that Brazil hit its lowest since April: 0.68.

In Brazil, 5,361,592 diagnosed citizens have recovered from the disease and 383,467 infected patients are under medical supervision.

The covid-19 pandemic has caused at least 1,328,048 deaths resulting from more than 55 million cases of the infection worldwide, according to a report by the French agency AFP.

The disease is transmitted by a new coronavirus detected in late December 2019 in Wuhan, a city in central China.

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