COVID-19. Bolsonaro says Brazil must stop being a country of “sissies” – Observer


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro returned this Tuesday to spark controversy when he said Brazil “must stop being a country of” sissies “, referring to the fear of the pandemic of Covid-19.

It’s all a pandemic now. You have to end this business. I’m sorry for the dead, I’m sorry. We will all die one day. It is useless to escape from it, to escape from reality. [O Brasil] it must stop being a country of ‘sissies’, ”Bolsonaro said, at a tourism event organized by the federal government.

“Look at that full plate for the press, for the” vulture ” [expressão usada para adjetivar pessoas que desejam o mal de outros] that’s back there [jornalistas]. We have to fight. Open your chest, fight ”, added the head of state, in another criticism of the media, which he accuses of denigrating his image.

At the event called “Resumption of tourism”, Bolsonaro again he defended that the current pandemic was “oversized” and criticized those who hinted at the possibility of a second wave of disease in the South American country.

Since the start of the pandemic, Jair Bolsonaro has been rather skeptical about the severity of the disease and has opposed social isolation, having even declared that Brazil is among the countries that have suffered the least from Covid-19.

However, Brazil, with 212 million inhabitants, is the Portuguese-speaking country most affected by the pandemic and one of the most affected in the world, counting the second number of deaths (more than 5.6 million cases and 162,628 deaths), after the United States.

Speaking to entrepreneurs in the tourism sector in Brazil, the president deplored the losses the pandemic has generated in the sector and accused the taxes and environmental decrees of damaging activities in the country.

You were on the canvas [estado de rotura] in this pandemic. That was large. Tomorrow’s title: “Ah, Bolsonaro has no affection, has no feelings for those who have died”. I have feelings for everyone who has died. But [foi] oversize ”, underlined the representative.

“Tourism has stopped and has gone to the canvas. I am worried about the entrepreneurs in the sector, but there is a lot that does not depend on me, but on the parliament and state governments, ”he said, also criticizing the“ excess of rules and taxes ”that apply in the sector.

According to a survey released last month, tourism revenue in Brazil, one of the sectors most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, fell by 33.6% between January and August compared to the same period in 2019.

The survey, conducted by the Federation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism of the State of Sao Paulo (FecomercioSP), based on data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), shows that the negative result is mainly due to Reduction 68.8% of air travel and 43.2% of accommodation and restaurants.

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