Coronavirus Press Conference – “We Won’t Get Vaccine From Germany Later”


Nothing works during the holidays without protective masks and protective measures. The Federal Office of Public Health records a decrease in the number of coronavirus infections. A relaxation is not in sight.

The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) does not want to ruin the progress made by easing at the start of Advent and during the holidays, Virginie Masserey, head of the infection control section, told Bundeshaus media on Friday.

Therefore, the population needs to carefully plan Advent, Christmas, New Year and the necessary purchases and get creative. Families should consider alternative forms of celebration. Instead of a family reunion at home, relatives could also meet for a walk or an aperitif in the fresh air. It is also possible to eat on a small scale at a reasonable distance.

Exercise is important

The BAG has turned on the holiday tips. During the celebration, he advises against kissing and similar measures of social distance. Also, ventilate and wear the protective mask when the distance is too short. In general, contacts should be kept low and preferably outside. Anyone who falls into the Christmas blues for this should move. This strengthens the immune system and lifts the mood, is the encouragement of the BAG.

On the pandemic front, the hotspot has shifted from western Switzerland to Germany, Masserey said. The utilization of hospitals is still high. There are about 500 Covid-19 patients in intensive care units, 220 ICU beds are still free.

Basel cantonal doctor Thomas Steffen, board member of the Cantonal Physicians Association, praises the “Swiss special way” in containing the coronavirus: “The slowdown has caused a turnaround, now we must remain faithful”.

“We have to stay tuned”: Basel doctor Thomas Steffen.

“We have to stay tuned”: Basel doctor Thomas Steffen.

Photo: Anthony Anex (Keystone / Nov 20, 2020)

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