Coronavirus in Switzerland – +++ Intensive care places in French-speaking Switzerland are running out +++ Federal government reports 5,949 new cases


According to Roland Brack, the crown crisis has accelerated the growth of online retail by a year or two. As a result, online retailer Brack nearly doubled its logistics staff. Due to the growing number of cases and a possible second “mini lockdown”, it is already bracing itself for eventful times.

“As a result, we are happy that the situation eased slightly in the summer,” Roland Brack said in an interview with CH Media newspapers published on Monday. Brack is the owner of the Competec Group, which includes the online shop. “While the orders remained at a significantly higher level than before the pandemic, it gave us time to get used to a new normal.”

View of the central warehouse and logistics center of  (January 25, 2018)

View of the central warehouse and logistics center of (January 25, 2018)

Photo: Christian Beutler (Keystone)

As orders exploded during the lockdown in the spring, Brack nearly doubled the logistics workforce from 250 to around 450 employees. However, according to Brack, 10 to 15 percent of existing people were no longer allowed to work because they belonged to the risk group. “It was violent in such a short time.”

Corona cases in logistics are almost inevitable

With a total of over 300 employees in the logistics center of Willisau, Lucerne, it is almost inevitable that there will be cases. “The question is no longer how to prevent it, but how to deal with it”. So they work in shifts. On the one hand, separating the staff so that not everyone gets sick. At the same time, however, because the number of orders has exploded. Since the end of the summer holidays, a general mask requirement has been in place in logistics.

So far, the online store has counted a total of four cases. With a thousand employees that is “incredibly small”. “Our people protected themselves, and not just because the company was interested. Many of us were motivated by being allowed to contribute to the country’s supply during an emergency, ”said Brack.

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