Corona: extension of the blockade in Germany? Merkel speaks of tightening: the winter prospects seem difficult


On Monday, the Prime Ministers want to take stock of the current measures of the Crown with Angela Merkel. A CDU man earlier had dampened hopes of easing soon.

  • Prime Minister of Saxony Michael Kretschmer does not yet recognize the successes necessary for an early loosening of the crown numbers.
  • Maybe after the next one Conference of the Prime Minister There is a threat of tightening on Monday, he said no.
  • Jens Spahn detects a first positive change in the New corona infections.

Update from November 12, 10:28 am: Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) sees a weakening of the dynamics of New corona infections in Germany, as he said Wednesday (see first report). But this is enough to implement the measures that Germany is currently taking Partial block move to loosen again? Spahn seems too early to talk about it. The effects of the rules approved on November 2 would be evident only from this second half of the week. “It always takes a week or two before you really see it. This virus has a very long slip mark, that’s the problem and it takes patience these days, “Spahn said Thursday in radio rbb.

When will it actually be back Relaxation Spahn himself doesn’t know: “You can’t say it in conclusion. This is simply part of honest and transparent communication. “In the next week, the government give a valid and reliable first evaluation. But one thing is clear: even though the numbers are going down now, “that doesn’t mean that from December to January things can really start again with the Christmas holidaysas if nothing had happened. “So do you Spahn even at Christmas it is clear that he will not see events with more than ten or fifteen people.

In his Management report Thursday the head of the Robert Koch Institute, Lothar Wieler, that the situation is still serious. Cautiously optimistic, however, that the New infection curve has recently increased less steeply.

Chancellor Angela Merkel believes in a tougher second crown wave.

© Michele Tantussi / Reuters Pool / dpa

Angela Merkel on Corona: the second wave will be harder than the first

Update from 11 November, 17:23: “You have to assume that the second wave * it is more difficult. ”He said these words Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) Wednesday on the occasion of the digital delivery of the annual report of “economic essays”. And most importantly, the wave falls into a worse one season, ie in the winter months. “That means it will keep us going Winter use. “Also the good news regarding the Vaccine development * don’t change this fact. Corona precautionary measures should still be applied. Your evaluation should matter, as the next meeting will take place next Monday Prime Minister with the Chancellor, where a provisional budget from Partial block is provided.

Crown in Germany: The prime minister of Saxony recognizes only a slight lateral movement

First report of November 11, 3:32 pm: Berlin / Dresden – With the help of Partial blocks A decisive goal is to be achieved in Germany in November: the number of patients infected with Coronavirus reduce. Why many New infections have the consequence that the The intensive care unit in hospitals are busier and than the Death toll in connection with the coronavirus are on the rise. How close Germany is to this goal so far, prime ministers want to discuss on Monday (November 16) with Chancellor Angela Merkel * (CDU). One Provisional conclusion is planned.

Like the prime minister of Saxony Michael Kretschmer (CDU), himself currently quarantined at home, assessed the situation Wednesday in ARD “morning magazine” clear. The current variation in numbers is not enough for him: “We have at most one slight lateral movement reached up. However, Kretschmer points out that the measures have only been effective since 2 November. “But if we can’t actually turn back substantially – that is, 50 infected people per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days – then these are going to be tough months ahead.” Merkel and her head of the Chancellery also want this parameter. Helge Braun to make contacts easier to understand again.

Crown in Germany: Merkel already speaks of tightening – Kretschmer steps forward

So that the partial block in November * is as effective as it is again in December Relaxation it can be done, it needs the “corresponding successes,” Kretschmer observes. Looking at the conversations in Conference of the Prime Minister he said: “We’ll see which ones decisions we have to come next Monday because the numbers we have now are far from enough: “If the numbers develop better in the next few days” then we will discuss differently.

Asked if possible Tighten the crown measurements were needed, did not enter. Since Monday there has been discussions on whether this is possible. So he took Angela Merkel after n-tv-Information said: “About Relaxation we don’t need to talk. We may also have to add more “.

Crown in Germany: Health Minister Spahn recognizes the first positive change

Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU *) recognizes at least signs of a positive change in the crown’s current numbers Situation of the infection in Germany. In the show “Frühstart” a n-tv Spahn said: “What we can see is that the dynamic has dropped significantly in the past few days. It is still increasing, but it is increasing less ”. It’s encouraging at first, but it’s not enough. “We have to go down with the numbers and go down significantly”. Turnaround he doesn’t want to talk to Spahn anyway. If the current Closures and the size makes a difference or not, it will soon become evident.

Meanwhile, it is also discussed whether the Christmas holidays should start earlier given the location. Prime Minister NRW Armin Laschet * (CDU) put the idea into play on Tuesday: it’s a start two days earlier. Spahn was positive about his teammate’s suggestion in the fight for the CDU-Vorsitz: “This is definitely part of the debate.” This could also be discussed on Monday.

Reported this Wednesday Robert Koch Institute (RKI) 18,487 new cases of infection registered. This was significantly lower than the record of 23,399 cases the institute counted last Saturday. But compared to the previous day, there were 261 deaths and the RKI reports a total of 11,767 deaths related to the corona virus *. (food) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network.

The crown crisis has less impact on the German economy than previously thought. The five economic modes are evaluated. But there are risks.

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