Coinstats App now syncs transactions from Binance, Bittrex, KuCoin


/ latest / 2018/09 / coinstats-app-now-syncs-transactions-from-binance-bittrex-kucoin /

Coin Stats, a cryptocurrency research and portfolio management service, has released a new update for both Android (Google Play Store) and iOS (Apple Store) versions of its app. The main changes include synchronization of all transaction logs, or history, from the Binance cryptographic exchange, Bittrex and KuCoin.

In future updates for its app, Coin Stats intends to offer support for multiple digital currency exchanges, based on their post medium. The app update post explains that users can synchronize all previous transactions from their wallets simply by enabling the switch provided in the app update popup (as shown below).

  Coinstats cryptocurrency app

New design for coin detail pages

Other digital currency trading platforms currently supported by the app include Kraken, Huobi, Bitfinex, Coinbase, Gemini, and many others. The Coin Stats post also mentions that user profits and losses will now be more precise. Other noteworthy updates that the cryptographic portfolio app includes are a new style for some of the coin detail pages. The updated style theme is based on the brand colors of cryptocurrency projects.

  Coinstats app cryptocurrency

The interface of the Coin Stats application has also been modified so that it is easier to browse its encrypted feeds. A CoinStats Telegram Bot is also available, allowing users to access the latest prices and charts of over 1800 cryptocurrencies.

As reported by CryptoGlobe in March, Coin Stats had released updates to its cryptographic portfolio app that allows users to export their transaction history to a CSV file. This feature simplifies the display of all cryptographic portfolios on a single page, also receiving real-time price notifications.

Trace on over 1800 cryptocurrencies

As described in the March Coin Stats press release, its cryptographic wallet app makes it easier for users to manage their digital assets by including links to:

"social and Web sites [for over 1800 cryptos so that users can] make investment decisions based on research: Users will also be able to add their cryptocurrency transactions to Coin Stats, so that they can keep track of their net worth and profits and also connect their portfolios and exchange accounts for self-synchronization. "

As covered, the main features of the Coin Stats app are as follows:

  • Detailed access to updated market information anytime and anywhere
  • Track investments and earnings in cryptocurrency
  • Multiple Portfolio Capabilities
  • ETH wallet watcher with token
  • Synchronize Portfolio from Exchanges i automatically! [19659015] Access coins and Altfolio within the iOS notification center
  • Choose from more than 30 fiat currencies to see prices
  • Set price alerts for more than 20 exchanges
  • German, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish and French
  • Access the latest crypt news from finest sources
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