Christmas in Belgium limited to 4 guests in garden houses and only one can use the bathroom – Mondo


As Christmas approaches, countries’ restrictions on the holiday season become known. The rules for this day have already been announced in Belgium and can be controversial.

According to Belgian Interior Minister Annelies Verlinden, is it allowed to invite a maximum of four people but only if it is in the garden or backyard and you visit the bathroom? Only one guest can access the ensuite bathroom.

This is allowed if the group is able to maintain physical distance and hygiene rules are observed. In addition, the garden or courtyard must have direct access, avoiding the passage of guests through the interior of the room.

Second The Brussels Times, the only person authorized to go to the bathroom is a family member close to the owner of the house with whom it is not necessary to respect the distance or hygiene measures. The rest should not take anything to eat or use the bathroom.


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