Chinese manned submarine dives to the lowest point on earth


A manned Chinese submarine dived to the lowest point on earth on Friday. Recordings from the 11,000-meter deep Mariana Trench in the Western Pacific were broadcast live over the Internet during the dive. As reported by the Chinese state television station CCTV, three researchers were aboard the white and green submarine “Fendouzhe”.

“Fendouzhe” had set a new diving record only in early November with a dive to a depth of 10,909 meters. The submarine’s robotic arms were supposed to collect biological samples from the sea floor in the Mariana Trench. One of the researchers told CCTV that the scientists were able to observe “many species” during the dive.

The Mariana Trench, about 11,000 kilometers deep and 2,400 kilometers long, is permanently dark. So far, very few people have dived to the lowest point on earth. (aeg / sda / afp)

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