Chickens with superbugs in stores. An analysis at European level again raises the question of the use of antibiotics on farms


Cheap chicken sold in low-cost supermarkets in Europe poses risks to human health, according to a report by a German NGO.

The report says high levels of antibiotic-resistant superbugs have been found in chickens sold by the EU’s largest poultry producers.

Products purchased from France, Germany, Poland, the Netherlands and Spain were analyzed, as well as taken directly from producers.

The most contaminated meat it was produced by a German company, followed by a French and Dutch food group. In these manufacturers, between 36 and 59% of the samples were contaminated.

People can become infected with these superbugs if they don’t wash themselves after getting their hands on the chicken or if they don’t cook well enough. The authors of the report call on the European Union to limit the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry.

Publisher: GM


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