[ad_1] Guvernul britanic to reacționat cu furie the apariția în presă to unor documente oficiale privind criza cu care s-ar communion Marea Britanie în cazul ieșirii din EU fără un acord, scrie The Guardian. Potrivit unor documente oficiale obţinute de Sunday Times, Marea Britanie riscă deficite de alimente, medicanţi şi …
Read More »Planta nuclear rusa cesó sus operaciones tras error en sistema de seguridad
[ad_1] The bloque 4 de la planta de energía nuclear rusa Beloyarsk, in the montañas de los Urales, fue desconectado el domingo, a false "respuesta" of the de seguridad system, informed a subsidiaria de la corporación estatal Rosatom. Según indicó, el bloque fue detained at 09.15 hora local (0415 GMT). …
Read More »Secret document prevê um cenário dramático para o pós-Brexit
[ad_1] Um secudo secudo do British Government disclosed hair Sunday Times prevê um cenário caótico case or Reino Unido saia da União Europeia sem um acordo. Escassez de alimentos, problemas no abastecimento de medicamentos, portos congestionados to enter the colapso, increase dos custos de assistência social and uma forehead física …
Read More »«Open Arms» lehnt Angebot aus Spanien ab – Migranten springen über Bord
[ad_1] Seit Donnerstag liegt das Rettungsschiff "Open Arms" in unmittelbarer Nähe von Lampedusa. (Bild: Guglielmo Mangiapane / Reuters) The "Open Arms" verharrt weiterhin wenige hundert Meter vor der italienischen Insel Lampedusa. In Südspanien dürfte das Rettungsschiff anlegen, doch laut den Helfern ist diese weitere Fahrt für die geretteten Passagiere unzumutbar. …
Read More »Aufruf zu Gewaltverzicht: Trump warnt China wegen Hongkong
[ad_1] Aufruf zu Gewaltverzicht: Trump warnt China wegen Hongkong | tagesschau.de Dieser Artikel wurde ausgedruckt unter der Adresse: www.tagesschau.de/ausland/trump-china-hongkong-101.html Stand: 19.08.2019 03:14 Uhr Die Geduldsfaden Pekings gegenüber den Demonstranten in Hongkong könnte bald reißen. US-Präsident Trump hat China aufgefordert, auf den Einsatz von Gewalt zu verzichten. Sonst könnten die Handelsgespräche …
Read More »Trump on US relations: "strategically interesting" Greenland
[ad_1] Does the United States really want to buy Greenland? The president of the United States confirmed that at least "it was spoken". However, Greenland is not currently a priority. The head of the Danish government reacted clearly to the news. After US media reported on Trump's interest in buying …
Read More »Austria: tourists have invaded the small village – now threaten drastic consequences
[ad_1] close close more update: 08/18/19 06:59 The pain threshold is reached for the almost 800 inhabitants of the small village of Hallstatt in Austria. Now the million bus tourists must be reduced with a new rule. Hallstatt – The church on the shore, the shimmering waters of the lake …
Read More »Kırıkkale'de kadın cinayeti | soL Haber Portalı
[ad_1] Kırıkkale'de boşandığı eşi tarafından bıçaklanan kadın, yaşamını yitirdi. Kırıkkale Menderes Caddesi'nde bir lokantada karşılaştığı boşandığı eşi, Emine B.'ye bıçakla saldırdı. Ağır yaralanan kadın ile saldırı sırasında yanında bulunan ve fenalaşan çocuğu Yüksek İhtisas Hastanesine kaldırıldı. Emine B, hastanede yapılan müdahaleye rağmen kurtarılamadı. Saldırıdan sonra kaçan F.B, yakalanarak gözaltına alındı. …
Read More »The Sudanese opposition appoints 5 civilians from the sovereign council
[ad_1] The Sudanese boys carry a national flag as they celebrate at Bahri, a day after generals and protest leaders signed a historic transitional constitution agreement. Agence France-Presse The Sudanese opposition coalition on Sunday appointed five people as civilian members of the country's sovereign council to swear on Monday, a …
Read More »Despedida trabajadora de aeropuerto by decirle a pasajero "¡Eres feo!"
[ad_1] A trabajador de seguridad aeroportuaria en New York fue despedido to entregate them to a pasajero a note escrita a mano que decía "¡Eres feo!" The accident of junio salió to the light semana después of that the pasajero Neal Strassner obtuviera a video de seguridad to través of …
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