
SpaceX launched for the ISS – Mannheimer Morgen

[ad_1] Cape Canaveral.Six months after its first flight, the “Crew Dragon” spacecraft from SpaceX took off for the first time for a regular mission into space. On Sunday evening (local time), the capsule took off with four astronauts on board at Cape Canaveral, live recordings from the US space agency …

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Glycine can form before stars: study

[ad_1] Glycine, the simplest amino acid and a major component of life, can form in dense interstellar clouds before they turn into new stars and planets, as published Monday in “Nature Astronomy”. An international team of scientists has shown that glycine, and most likely other amino acids, can form under …

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OPPO will develop a smartphone with an extendable design

[ad_1] The smartphone market has never been so full of good offers for the most varied wallets. Currently the highlight of innovation goes to foldable phones. But it seems that the Chinese brand OPPO will take a risk and may soon present a new and different concept. The Dongguan-based company …

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