Breaking News: Reply to Greece from the USA … Steep Double Standards in F-35s!


Breaking News … Eastern Mediterranean Actions Raising Tensions With Greece Against Turkey Exhibits Lockheed Martin Type F-35 On Formal Request To Purchase Fighter Planes To US Authorities The Response Has Come From The Authorities. US Ambassador to Greece, Geoffrey Pyatt, said: “We have signaled our support for procurement and are working together on a future procurement program that will increase Greece’s defense capabilities, ensure interoperability with the military. and regional stability will increase. “


Greece tested Russian S-300 air and missile defense systems during the exercise, which took place November 23-27 at the Crete shooting range. In addition to Greece and Germany, military personnel from the Netherlands and the United States also participated in the exercise. In the exercise, it was claimed that Russian S-300 missiles, TOR-M1 and OSA-AK (K / B) directional missile certification launches, as well as HAWK, ASRAD and MANPAD (STINGER) missiles have been launched. On the other hand, during the exercise, anti-aircraft missiles, Russian, American and German-made medium and short-range missile defense systems integrated into the Greek anti-aircraft defense system were tested for a week.


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