Boy in the Well: With this cage they want to get Julen – News International


It has a diameter of 1.05 meters and is 2.5 meters high: the cage with which the little Julen (2) must be brought to the earth's surface.

The boy fell in Spanish totalán about 15 kilometers northeast of the coastal city of Málaga in a well of about 110 meters deep, a week ago. Since Saturday afternoon, a 60-meter-deep tunnel has been drilled into the ground, which runs parallel to the pit of the accident.

When the perforation is completed, the metal cage is lowered with two workers including an instrument. After all, the forces are using picks, shovels, pneumatic and hand hammers, a cross connection to the shaft of the well in the ground – and then hopefully hitting a trail of Julen.

Under the passenger platform there is a chamber with which it is possible to transport 500 kilograms of earth from the well. The technical director of the Malaga Fire Department, Julián Moreno, told Europa Press.

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Photo: JON NAZCA / Reuters

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Rescue work is in full swing. From Saturday afternoon the parallel tunnel drill is executedPhoto: JON NAZCA / Reuters

The fireman had the idea of ​​the cage on his way home

Moreno had the idea of ​​the cage after a mission to the place of the accident on the way home. He made the sketches of the capsule, showed them to the miners and the Guard police personnel.

The plan convinced the authorities and a forge of Alhaurín de la Torre made the cage after all the technical issues had been resolved. The cage is designed for two workers, including work equipment, in case of emergency for three people without equipment. As Moreno Europa Press said, the cabin was made of iron and weighs about 300 kilograms.

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Photo: Twitter / BomberosCCOO

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This design was made by the head of fire department Julián Moreno and convinced the authoritiesPhoto: Twitter / BomberosCCOO

Tunneling is proceeding slower than expected

For the construction of the cross shaft, the spokesperson for the rescue team, Ángel García Vidal, estimated at least 20 hours. The start of the excavation is not clear. Work on the parallel tunnel proceeds but is slower than expected. The boulders complicate the work of the drill. According to the EFE news agency, the tunnel was almost 40 meters deep at the beginning of Sunday afternoon.

Rescuers think it is possible to find the child at a depth of 70-80 meters. During the shooting of the camera, a bag of sweets that Julen had with him was discovered in the duct last Monday at a depth of about 71 meters.

But the motion of the camera did not go on: a piece of land and boulders blocked the road. Since the helpers have already penetrated almost 20 meters deep when installing a platform to stabilize the main drilling rig, they have to dig a further 60 meters of depth.

The auction was punctured according to media reports looking for water in the drought-affected region near a finca owned by a relative of Julen – apparently without permission. The police are investigating. It is not clear if the tree was covered.

Rescue of a fountain - Spain

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