Boris Johnson in quarantine after being in contact with a positive in covid-19


The British prime minister, who was hospitalized for coronavirus in April, has no symptoms and continues to work in his London office, a Downing Street spokesperson said.


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was quarantined after being in contact with a person who tested positive for covid-19, the official 10 Downing Street residence reported this Sunday.

The head of government, who was hospitalized for coronavirus in April, has no symptoms and continues to work in his London office, a Downing Street spokesperson said.

According to the BBC, Johnson spent about 35 minutes with Conservative Congressman Lee Anderson, who tested positive for the COVID test.

According to the official source, British Health (NHS, in English) contacted the prime minister to tell him that he should isolate himself after contact with a positive was recorded through the cell phone’s tracking system.

“The prime minister will follow (health) guidelines and isolate himself. He will continue to work from Downing Street on the government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. The prime minister is fine and has no symptoms of covid-19,” he added. .

The conservative leader should remain without physical contact with other people for about ten days.

Meanwhile, Deputy Lee Anderson, who had been with Johnson on Thursday, said on his Facebook portal that he was in quarantine after he and his wife took the covid test yesterday, which they learned about this Sunday.

“On Friday I lost my sense of taste and smell and, at the same time, my wife had a headache,” added this MP for the Ashfield British constituency.

“I feel completely fine and my biggest concern is my wife who is in the group who is protection (risk). We both feel good,” Anderson said.

The UK recorded another 168 deaths from covid-19 this Sunday, while the number of new infections was 24,962, according to the latest official data.

With these data, the total number of coronavirus deaths comes to 51,934 since the start of the pandemic, while the total number of cases is already 1,369,318.

The figures have been released as England is on lockdown, with non-essential shops closed, although schools and universities remain open and teleworking is recommended.

This detention will continue until December 2, when the government will examine the health situation before deciding whether to lift it or extend the restrictions.

The other British regions – Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland – maintain various measures to contain the pandemic.

The government recently reported that the country will be ready to begin a mass vaccination program against covid-19 on December 1 if the vaccine developed by Pfizer-BioNTech or some other receives the green light from regulators.


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