Bolsonaro suffers a new setback in the municipal


President Jair Bolsonaro suffered a serious setback in the Brazilian second round of elections, held this Sunday, in which 57 mayors were elected in various cities, including the big ones in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, where the center-right triumphed.

In Rio, the center-right Eduardo Paes beat Marcelo Crivella, the current mayor, a candidate supported by Bolsonaro. In addition, in São Paulo, the economic and cultural capital of Brazil and the largest city in Latin America, centrist mayor Bruno Covas was able to be re-elected.

In the second round of elections, the main cities of the country were out of the hands of candidates who identified with the so-called Bolsonarism.

Although municipal elections are marked by local interests, they tend to function as a thermometer of Brazilian politics. As in the first round on November 15, Sunday’s results showed a significant setback in Brazilians’ support for the president’s policies.

These are the last votes before the 2022 presidential election in which Bolsonaro tries to be re-elected.

In addition, 658 women were elected mayors, of which only 11.8% of the country’s cities will be headed by women in the next four years.

For the first time since 1985, the political party of former popular president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) will not govern any of the Brazilian capitals. l AGENCIES

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