Bolsonaro responds to Biden’s criticism: Brazil has “gunpowder”


Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro, one of the few heads of state in the world who did not congratulate Joe Biden after his US election victory, warned the Democrat, without naming him, on Tuesday that Brazil has “gunpowder.” “, AFP review on your web portal.

“We recently saw a very good candidate for the position of head of state claim that if I don’t put out the fire in the Amazon, it will raise the trade barriers against Brazil. How can we deal with it? We know that only with diplomacy is not possible, ”he said in an act.

“Because when the saliva runs out, you have to have gunpowder, otherwise it won’t work. You don’t need to use gunpowder, but they have to know what we have,” added Bolsonaro, an ally of the current president, Republican Donald. Trump.

The so-called ‘tropical Trump’, who made his alignment with Washington a pillar of his diplomacy, already had an argument in October with the then Democratic candidate for the White House, whom he threatened in the first election debate with “Significant economic consequences” in Brazil if it continues to clear.

On that occasion, Bolsonaro warned that this statement “Disastrous and free” Biden put the “Cordial coexistence” between the two major economies of the continent.

Trump refuses to acknowledge his rival’s triumph, denounces without providing evidence that there has been a fraud in favor of the Democrat and promises to appeal to justice for it.

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