Bolsonaro candidates are defeated in major Brazilian cities | news


The election results of major Brazilian cities show the defeat of candidates supported by President Jair Bolsonaro, favoring candidates from the center and the moderate right.


The vote count advances after the municipal elections in Brazil

According to the results published by the Higher Electoral Court, in Sao Paulo, the city with the highest number of voters in the country, with almost 9 million, the current mayor, Bruno Covas of the Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB), took advantage of it, with about one third of the votes 32.8 percent.

However, Covas will face left-wing and former presidential candidate Guilherme Boulos in the second round on November 29, finishing second with 20.2%.

The Bolsonaro-backed contender, the conservative Celso Russomanno, finished in fourth place, with just over 10% of the vote.

In Rio de Janeiro, the second largest city in Brazil, center-right Eduardo Paes finished first with almost 40 percent who will compete in the second round with the current mayor, ultra-conservative and evangelical leader Marcelo Crivella, supported by Bolsonaro with a 21.9. percent of the vote.

The results of Belo Horizonte, the third city with the most voters, the current mayor Alexandre Kalil obtained more than 50 percent of the votes, excluding aspiring “Bolsonarian” Bruno Engler, who remained around ten percent from the race.

Recife, one of the capitals of Northeast Brazil, will decide the mayor between Joao Campos, of the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB), and his cousin Marilia Arraes, representative of the Workers’ Party.

Police chief Patricia Domingos, supported by Bolsonaro, finished in fourth place with less than 15 percent of the vote.

In the city of Belém (capital of Pará), considered the largest city in the north of the country, with 98.65% counted, the candidate for the Socialism and Freedom Party (PSOL) Edmilson Rodrigues obtained 34.24% of the votes , surpassing the candidate of Patria, Delegado Eguchi who has 23.06 percentage points.

In Manaus, the capital of the Amazon state, former governors Amazonino Mendes and David Almeida will meet in the second round of elections. Colonel Menezes, supported by Bolsonaro, lost just over 10 percent of the race for the mayor.

The city of Fortaleza gave Bolsonaro a little satisfaction, as the candidate he supported, Wagner Sousa Gomes, aka “Captain Wagner”, will compete for the second round with a center-left candidate.

After announcing the first electoral results that marked the defeat of his candidates, Bolsonaro deleted a post from the previous days from his social networks in which he asked his supporters to vote for various candidates in the country’s cities, including Crivella and Russomanno. .

In Rio de Janeiro Monica Benício, widow of the murdered councilor of the Socialism and Freedom Party (PSOL) and human rights defender Marielle Franco, was elected councilor in the municipal elections.

According to the TSE, Benício garnered 22,916 votes with 99.9 percent of the polls examined securing him a seat in the municipal chamber of the country’s most touristic state.

In this Sunday’s elections, nearly 148 million Brazilians voted to elect their mayors and councilors for a four-year term.

Despite the local character, these municipal elections can also be interpreted as a thermometer of what the presidential elections of 2022 will be.

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