Bolivian justice overrides the indictment and arrest warrant against former president Evo Morales | Multimedia


The president of the La Paz Departmental Court of Justice (TDJ), Jorge Quino, announced on Monday that it was decided to quash the indictment and arrest warrant filed for the crimes of sedition and terrorism against the former president of Bolivia , Evo Morales.


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The judicial authority specified that the decision was taken at the hearing on the action for freedom by the first judge for criminal investigations, Román Castro.

During an interview with Unitel, the president of the TDJ of La Paz added that the provision was based on the fact that Evo Morales’ fundamental rights had been violated by citing him with edicts, knowing that he lives in Argentina. Morales is in that South American country as a political asylum, after the November 2019 coup.

According to Quino’s explanation to Unitel, the judge made that decision because the citation for the edicts was drawn up by prosecutors without respecting the procedures. “The judge has warned of this mistake from prosecutors and has already decided to quash the charge and the arrest warrant,” he said.

According to Bolivian justice, convocation by edicts is carried out when the person’s domicile in the national territory is unknown. However, “in this case it was known that Morales was in Argentina”.

Similarly, the president of the TDJ of La Paz stated that the fulfillment of this action of freedom is mandatory and immediate.

However, he clarified that the arrest warrant was overturned, but “the sentences are transmitted in a review phase to the Constitutional Court, and it will be that instance that will ultimately determine whether the judge has acted well, correctly (… ) or not I would have acted that way. “

Former President Evo Morales was summoned for a hearing this Tuesday, October 27. His defense claimed that Morales had not received a subpoena or notification. In this way, the TDJ heard the defense appeal for release.

In this regard, the former president’s lawyer, Wilfredo Chávez, reported that “his client was only released on a charge of terrorism (known as an audio case) but has more than a dozen lawsuits, as part of judicial persecution “.

The trial in question is based on a complaint filed against the former president by the minister of the de facto government of Bolivia, Arturo Murillo. The minister received a vote of no confidence from the Pluri-National Legislative Assembly (ALP) last week. However, the de facto president, Jeanine Áñez, reinstated him a few days later in the same position.

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