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Guatemala’s President Alejandro Giammattei announced last Sunday that the government has decided to invoke the Organization of American States (OAS) Democratic Charter in the context of massive protests calling for his resignation as head of state.


They ask to investigate the use of force during a protest in Guatemala

“In his capacity as head of state and in the full exercise of his constitutional powers, he has decided to invoke the Inter-American Democratic Charter in the face of the very serious events that have occurred in recent days”, indicates the statement from the Guatemalan government.

The massive protests that arose following the controversial general budget for 2021, approved by deputies on November 18, as well as the abandonment of the state to communities affected by hurricanes, were branded by the Executive as “acts of violence”, therefore , justify the activation of the Inter-American Democratic Charter.

“The undemocratic character of their actions and the serious institutional threat they represent (protests) do not leave the legitimately elected authorities of the people to appeal to the international community to offer its support for the preservation of democracy in Guatemala”, says the Executive.

In this way, the government declared that the Foreign Minister of the Central American country, Pedro Brolo, is already coordinating with the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, to activate the Charter and advance on the established points, “they will take measures to promote dialogue between the various political forces to guarantee the democratic-constitutional order of Guatemala “, they add.

In the morning hours of this Saturday, more than 500,000 people gathered in Plaza de la Constitución to protest against the government and Congress, but the police cracked down on the demonstrators and even arrests were made, while a group set fire to the seat of the Congress.

The demonstrations call for the resignation of President Giammetti, a few days after the vice president Guillermo Castillo proposed to the dignitary to resign together and start a process of political change in the country.

The outrage in Guatemala worsened after Congress last week approved the budget for 2021, which authorized excessive debt, which, according to analysts, jeopardizes the future of the Central American country.

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