Bill Gates predicts a world with fewer business trips


Gates also recognized its limitations in the 17-N conference when it comes to predicting behavior and confessed, “I would not have thought wearing a mask would become so controversial” nor did Donald Trump’s administration support that view. “wild and extreme” when it comes to pandemics.


Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates predicted that half of business travel will occur in the post-pandemic world and one-third of office hours will disappear, though he acknowledged that he never thought wearing a mask would become the subject of this. many controversies.

“My prediction is that more than 50% of business travel and more than 30% of office days will disappear,” the tycoon said in a conference organized this Tuesday 17-N by The New York Times newspaper.

In his view, the justification for taking a business trip after the pandemic will be more complicated, after improving the feasibility of working from home during imprisonment, although he acknowledged that there will be companies more willing to telework than others.

“We will somehow continue to go to the office, we will continue some business trips, but drastically less,” added Gates, who through his foundation and that of his wife Melinda, promotes the development and distribution of the vaccine in developing economies. .

Business travel accounted for about half of US airline revenue before the pandemic and by far the most profitable travel.

A new paradigm of work could add further problems for a sector trying to overcome the sharp decline in incomes with the reduction in air traffic due to the pandemic, which could begin to resolve itself with the mass distribution of the vaccine from the second half of 2021.

Gates also recognized its limitations when it comes to predicting behavior in the 17-N conference and confessed, “I would not have thought wearing a mask would become so controversial” nor did the Donald Trump administration support that view. “wild and extreme” when dealing with the pandemic.

The tycoon also said that anti-mask sentiment is stronger in the United States than in other countries and acknowledged that it is unclear whether this is due to the position taken by the Trump administration or the individualistic sentiment of the Americans.

The pandemic is out of control in most of the United States and has already caused more than 11 million infected and nearly a quarter of a million deaths, with many hospitals on the verge of collapse.

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