Bill Gates hit the pandemic. A scientist makes last-minute revelations


“What you will win more money is Bill Gates,” said Didier Raoult. The scientist added that “If it is a safe vaccine, why not. For the moment the question is not asked. This is science fiction. The day when the vaccine comes true, I will give an opinion. I don’t make predictions. “

The microbiologist also wondered why we have cascading vaccine announcements when we practically don’t have a vaccine. “I’m sure the stock markets are going crazy. The one that will win the most is the one who has won the most so far: Bill Gates with Moderna. I’m a little skeptical and wonder if it’s not a Bitcoin game,” added the director of IHU Méditerranée Infection of Marseille.

Bill Gates’ prophecy

The American billionaire Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, estimated, in a conference organized by the publication of the New York Times, that people will radically change their behavior in the future. He said people’s new travel and work habits will definitely be affected by the new coronavirus, even when the pandemic is over and there is no danger.

“My prediction would be that over 50% of business travel and over 30% of office days will disappear. We will go to the office a little, we will do some business trips, but much less,” Microsoft founder said during. the conference organized by the New York Times.

Working hours will be reduced

In fact, Bill Gates isn’t the only one arguing that working hours will be reduced in the near future. Several union leaders and left-wing politicians in European countries have sent a letter to political leaders calling for a reduction in working hours to four days a week.

The paper says working models need to be rethought in the current context of the coronavirus pandemic. According to the signatories of the letter, this would also have a positive effect on efforts to combat the climate crisis.

In recent years, proposals to establish a shorter working week to four days have aroused growing interest from companies. Their analysis shows that applying this measure would help increase productivity but also improve employee mental health.

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