Biden plans executive action that would reverse Trump’s policies


(CNN) – President-elect Joe Biden has vowed to reaffirm America’s leadership role on the world stage through a series of executive actions from day one that would mark a drastic turn in the policies of outgoing President Donald Trump.

Now that Biden has defeated Trump, his transition team is starting to turn his election promises into plans he can implement since the beginning of his presidency.

Biden’s first goal is likely to worsen the coronavirus pandemic. According to two sources familiar with his plans, he is expected to appoint a 12-person coronavirus task force on Monday. Biden also said during the campaign that he will speak with Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government’s leading infectious disease expert, before taking office.

He is also poised to take a series of executive actions that would undo many of Trump’s foreign policy actions. They would seek to quickly restore the United States to its position at the end of former President Barack Obama’s administration four years ago.

Asked about the decrees Biden will execute on his first day in office, Biden’s campaign adviser Symone Sanders told CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday that the president-elect will “deliver on the promises” he made in the campaign.

Climate change, “dreamers” and other promises from Biden

Biden has repeatedly promised to re-enter the Paris climate agreement on his first day in office. This is a historic international agreement to combat climate change that Trump decided to pull out in 2017. He also said he would rejoin the World Health Organization, from which Trump chose to withdraw this year.

Both of these actions underscore a big difference between Biden and Trump. Biden has long believed in multilateral organizations and pacts that Trump distrusts.

Biden also said he will lift Trump’s ban on travel from some Muslim-majority countries. And that it will restore the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which allows “dreamers” – undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children – to stay in the country.

The result of the legislative elections underlines the difficulty that Biden will have in obtaining victories in this area and underlines the importance of the decrees of his administration. Republicans still have a narrow majority in the Senate, although Democrats would gain control of the House if they won what could be two second rounds of the Senate in Georgia in early January.

Transition team with web and social networks

The transition team that Biden assembled has been quietly preparing for Labor Day. It has stepped up its activities in recent weeks. This includes the launch of a website and social media account on Sunday.

The Biden-Harris transition Twitter account tweeted that the incoming administration will address the “most pressing” challenges facing the nation. And he listed: “protect and preserve the health of our nation, renew our opportunity for success, promote racial equity and fight the climate crisis.”

Biden listed a number of other priorities in the election campaign and policies his campaign launched during the primary and general elections. These include addressing systemic racism and climate change and expanding protections for unionized employees.

Biden agrees to take steps to reform the government, including the expansion and codification into law of an ethical commitment established by the Obama administration that addresses lobbying issues as well as “any undue or inappropriate influence of personal, financial and other interests. guy. “.

The president-elect also promised to restore guidelines established during the Obama administration that would restore transgender students’ access to sports, restrooms and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity.

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