Biden is on track for a record 80 million votes


The Democrat’s advantage in popular suffrage – a margin of nearly 6 million votes – is revealed when Trump insists he won the election.


US President-elect Joe Biden is nearing a record 80 million votes as Democratic strongholds continue to process votes and the 2020 presidential election sets new turnout records.

Biden has already set a score for the most votes for a successful presidential candidate, and President Donald Trump has also achieved a new score for the most votes for a losing candidate.

With more than 155 million votes counted and with California and New York still counting the votes, voter turnout reached 65% of all eligible voters, the highest number since 1908, according to data from the Associated Press and the US election website. Project.

The increase in Biden’s total and his advantage in the popular vote – a margin of nearly 6 million votes – was announced at a time when Trump once again insisted that he had won the election and his campaign and Its supporters are escalating their challenges to stop or postpone certification of results, which could potentially nullify citizens’ votes.

“It’s too loud because Donald Trump makes a lot of noise when he moves,” said Douglas Brinkley, a presidential historian at Rice University. “Once the noise is resolved, it will be clear that Biden has achieved a very convincing victory.”

Currently, the former vice president leads the electoral vote from 290 to 232, but that count doesn’t include Georgia’s votes., where Biden leads Trump by 0.3 percentage points as authorities do a manual tally. The Associated Press has not declared a winner in the body, but if Biden’s victory is confirmed, he will have won 306 votes from the Electoral College against 232 from Trump, an identical margin to what led the president to the White House in 2016. In At the time, Trump described it as “overwhelming”.

Trump sealed that victory by a margin of 770,000 votes in three hotly contested states, while the difference in Biden’s favor would be slightly less, at around 45,000 votes in Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin.

Yet that victory by a narrower margin remains critical by the standards of electoral law, said Rick Hasen, a professor at the University of Irvine and a voting expert.

Although the margin in favor of Biden in states like Arizona and Wisconsin may seem small – between 12,000 and 20,000 votes – these contests are not considered close enough to alter results in counts or lawsuits. Typically, a recount shows the changes in a few hundred ballots. In 2000, a margin of difference of 537 votes in Florida sparked a recount and a legal dispute over the White House.

“If you talk about being contested enough to fit into what industry experts call the margin of dispute, it falls outside the margin of dispute,” Hasen said.

A close triumph

Timothy Naftali, New York University presidential historian, compared the growing margins for Biden in the popular vote and the electoral vote with those of every presidential race winner since 1960. His discovery: Biden is right in the middle, a more contested victory than to the cumbersome electoral victories of Barack Obama in 2008 and Ronald Reagan in 1984, but by a wider margin than Trump’s victory in 2016 or George W. Bush’s two victories.

The closest analogy was Obama’s re-election, in which he won by the same margin as Biden enjoys.

“Did anyone consider 2012 a close victory? No, “said Naftali.

Despite this, Trump and his allies continue to attempt to stop election certification, in an unlikely attempt to deprive states of the ability to hold voters accountable for Biden.

These efforts are highly unlikely to bear fruit, but they reached a new level this week when two Republican members of Michigan County’s largest tallying commission managed to block the certification of votes there. They allowed the certification to proceed after an outraged reaction was sparked, but it’s an indication of how deeply unfounded Trump’s allegations of voter fraud have permeated the public.

In fact, said Michael McDonald, a University of Florida professor who analyzes the vote count for the U.S. election project, Biden’s relatively close wins in some of the more competitive states tell a different story than the president. is promoting.

Democrats fear the gap between popular vote and constituency count widens as Democratic voters flock to both coasts of the country and out of states with no clear political tendencies. This dynamic could make it difficult for Democrats to win legislative contests, creating a continuing disadvantage in promoting policy.

“If the data reveals anything, it’s the way the system is unfavorable to Democrats, not Trump,” McDonald said.


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