Biden election victory in image and sound – applause, tears and criticism – election highlights – news


After days of waiting, Saturday at 5:30 pm Swiss time it was time: CNN and other major media companies unanimously declared Democratic challenger Joe Biden the winner of the 2020 presidential election. state of Pennsylvania, the long wait has ended.

The relief from Biden’s victory could be seen by CNN political commentator Van Jones. A few minutes after the decision, he shouted live, how relieved he was about it. “Now I can tell my children that good character is important.”

One joy, the other pain: Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani criticized the Earl in Pennsylvania at a press conference. The elections aren’t over yet. Without presenting any evidence, Giuliani claimed hundreds of thousands of ballots were questionable.

Seconds after the election victory was declared, cheers erupted in many large cities. On the streets of New York, people clapped, screamed and cheered. Even after an hour, the constant applause wasn’t over.

TV stations also showed images of Philadelphia with people celebrating. Protesters gathered in front of the White House in Washington also cheered.

US President Donald Trump learned the news of his electoral defeat during a visit to his golf club in Virginia. Before returning to the White House, reporters reported that dozens of Bidens and Trump supporters had gathered outside the golf club’s entrance.

Trump supporters gathered in various cities and stressed that the elections for them had not yet been decided. Slogans such as “election transparency” and “no election fraud” could be read on the placards.

At 2 am Swiss time, the newly elected president of the United States and his vice president took the grand stage for the victory speech. Kamala Harris made the start. He thanked the American people for the election result and spoke of a “new day for America”. Democracy should not be taken for granted.

Then Joe Biden spoke. The new president has said he wants to reunite the country. “There were no blue or red states, there is only the United States”. He would rule as an American president, not as a Democrat. Speaking to Trump supporters, he said he understood their disappointment. He suffered some defeats himself. “Let’s give each other a chance.”

Joe Biden becomes the oldest president of the United States of all time. Biden earns points with experience, having helped shape US politics for five decades. During his tenure in the Senate, he distinguished himself as a bridge builder. As a presidential candidate, Biden has failed twice, but was Barack Obama’s vice president for eight years.

Kamala Harris was the first woman, the first woman of color, and the first American with Indian roots to be elected vice president of the United States – and for many she is a bearer of hope. With Biden’s decision for Harris, he paved the way for a black American president to exist in the not too distant future.

International reactions to Joe Biden’s election victory vary. Many heads of state and government have already congratulated Joe. However, Biden’s victory is not as well received everywhere, as our correspondents’ ratings show.

The US presidential election in pictures

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