Biden consolidates victory by winning in Arizona, Trump refuses to give up


Former Vice President Joe Biden’s victory in Arizona earns him 290 constituency votes.


US President-elect Joe Biden solidified his victory in the White House race by taking over the key state of Arizona, although the official transition to his administration continues to stagnate as President Donald Trump refuses to acknowledge defeat.

Biden won in Arizona more than a week after the November 3 election began, Edison Research said Thursday evening, November 12.

The former vice president is only the second Democratic candidate for the White House in seven decades to triumph in the state, a traditional Republican stronghold.

Biden’s victory in Arizona earns him 290 votes at Electoral College, which determines the winner of the Presidency.

Biden had already passed the 270-vote mark to win the election and is preparing to take the oath on January 20. The 11 electoral votes offered by Arizona leave an insurmountable advantage over any legal claim asking to be settled in Trump’s favor.

He also has a lead of over 14,000 votes in the state of Georgia, so he is almost certain to succeed in manual vote counting. Nationally, Biden won the preferences with more than 5.3 million votes, or 3.4% of percentage points.

Trump, the Republican president, claims – without providing evidence – that there was widespread fraud in the elections, but the lawsuits he filed in court were not received and the electoral authorities of the states did not report serious irregularities.

Reverse leadership

To stay in power for another four years, Trump would have to reverse Biden’s leadership in at least three states, but he has found no evidence to contest those findings in court.

States have until December 8 to certify their votes and choose constituency electors, who will officially elect the new president on December 14.

Trump’s refusal to admit defeat blocked the transition process to a new government. The agency that provides funding to the president-elect, the Federal Administration Service, cannot yet recognize Biden’s triumph.

The next White House chief of staff, Ron Klain, told NSMBC Thursday that it is especially crucial to start the transition now, as the Biden administration wants to prepare the covid-19 vaccination campaign immediately.

“The sooner we can bring our transition experts together with people planning a vaccination campaign, the smoother Biden’s transition to the presidency from Trump’s term will be,” Klain said.

Regardless of the impediments, Biden will sign a “pile” of executive orders and send a high-priority bill to Congress on his first day in office, Klain said.


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