Biden: America is back and we are ready to lead | News from the United States


America is back and ready to lead – this was President-elect Joe Biden’s message as he prepares to take office in January.

His words were a sign that Donald Trump’s “First America” ​​policy in office will be shelved for a policy more focused on working with the country’s allies.

In his first interview since he was confirmed as the next president, he told NBC, “America is back – we’re at the head of the table again.

“I have spoken to over 20 world leaders and they are happy and somewhat excited that America will reassert its role in the world and be a coalition builder.”

Biden will take office on January 20, but will find the world very different from how it was four years ago when he ended his term as vice president of Barack Obama.

The United States is in the process of leave the World Health Organization and has withdrawn from the Paris climate agreement it’s at Nuclear agreement of 2015 it and other world powers made with Iran.

Trump had questioned the relevance of NATO and was criticized for being tender with more authoritarian leaders like Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

When the United States withdrew from the world, its allies were frustrated by their unreliability, and its rival China intervened with development projects in regions that had fallen off Trump’s radar, such as Africa.

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Asked about his initial priorities, Biden said he would send an immigration bill to the Senate with a “path to citizenship for over 11 million undocumented people in America.”

He expressed his intention to “do away with some of the very damaging executive orders that have had a significant impact in worsening the climate and making us less healthy.”

He also vowed not to interfere or pressure the Justice Department on any investigation into President Trump, saying, “I will not do what this president does and I will use the Justice Department as a vehicle to insist that something happen.

“There are a number of investigations that I have read about at the state level and there is nothing I can or cannot do about it, but I focus on taking the American public back to a place where it has a certain certainty, a certain security, some knowledge that they can make it. “

Biden also said that although his team has experience, it will be his government rather than an “Obama third term”.

He told NBC: “This is not Obama’s third term because we face a completely different world than we faced in the Obama-Biden administration.

“President Trump changed the landscape. It became America first, it was just America.

“We are in a position where our alliances have been worn down.”

Mr. Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris won the election on November 3, but their preparation for office was effectively delayed until this week due to Trump’s refusal to admit defeat.

On Monday, however, Trump finally claimed that his team had been in charge of collaborating with the process to move the next president to the White House.

When Biden was asked Tuesday what cooperation he had received from the Trump administration, he said, “The commitment has been sincere and so far it has not been reluctant.”

He said he hadn’t heard from Mr. Trump, even though their chiefs of staff have talked to each other and their teams are working on the response to the coronavirus pandemic, which killed nearly 260,000 people in the country this year.

The two teams are examining “how to not only distribute but obtain from a vaccine distributed to a person who is capable of getting vaccinated, so I think we won’t be as far off the curve as we thought we were in the past.”

Biden said he held video calls with 10 key state governors to discuss “the need to cooperate and the need to get the vaccine to places where it is possible to get vaccinated.”

“The hope is that we can distribute it before we are sworn in and take office,” he added.

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