Bernie Sanders available to join Joe Biden’s administration



Sanders was named the next secretary of the department of labor

Former Democratic primary candidate Bernie Sanders, who has been named potential new Secretary of the Department of Labor, said in a CNN interview that if invited, he would agree to join Joe Biden’s cabinet.

“What is true is that I want to do everything possible to protect the families working in this country who are going through a very difficult time,” he said. “If that happens in the Senate or the Biden administration, who knows.” “We will see how things evolve,” he concluded.

On Tuesday, the US news channel said the senator had built his internal campaign around the goal of becoming Secretary of Labor, which will have generated mixed reactions within the department.

It is recalled that, in the last two presidential elections, the independent Bernie Sanders, 79, ran for the primary. In both 2016 and 2020, he ranks second among the Democratic Party candidates.


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