Basescu: the first step for the conservation of Britain in the United Kingdom was done


Former Prime Minister Traian Basescu, PMP, said Wednesday night that Brexite is postponing, the first step for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to remain in the European Union.

The Basescu framework: the first step for the conservation of Britain in the United Kingdom was done

Basescu: the first step for the conservation of Britain in the United Kingdom was done

"The Brexit is postponing! The first step for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to stay in the European Union has been done," wrote Traian Basescu on Facebook.

He added that Brussels sent to London that the European Union commits itself to postpone BREXIT by 2020.

"We wait calmly and optimistically for the reaction of the island", concluded the former president.

EU leaders are considering postponing the end of Britain's exit from the blockade in 2020, in the context of Germany and France expressing their willingness to prolong negotiations after the House of Commons has rejected the Brexit agreement, according to the Times.

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