Australia’s Taurid Meteor Shower: When and Where to See Them in 2020


2020 was memorable for all the wrong reasons, but there is one thing you can say about it: it has been heavy for the fantastic celestial events.

So far we have had close-by asteroids, a rare blue moon and a solar eclipse, to name just three.

The next thing avid sky-watchers should pay attention to are the taurid meteor shows, which could light up the skies with super bright meteors that look like fireballs.

What are Taurids?

Taurids are caused by a stream of debris left by Comet Encke entering Earth’s atmosphere and occur around the same time each year.

They are divided into the Southern and Northern Taurids and usually contain larger meteors than other meteor showers.

This year they began appearing in the night skies in late October and will continue to do so until November 27, according to

Turn your eyes to the sky to watch the Taurid meteor showers.
Turn your eyes to the sky to watch the Taurid meteor showers. Credit: Twitter / / Getty


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