Arizona and Wisconsin confirm Biden’s victory and Trump is raging on Twitter


Trump does not enjoy the latest confirmations (archive photo). Image: sda

Arizona and Wisconsin confirm Biden victory – and Trump talks about “total corruption”

After confirming Joe Biden’s victory in the state of Arizona, incumbent US President Donald Trump addressed state governor Doug Ducey on Twitter.

What happened?

Arizona and Wisconsin, the most disputed US states, have officially confirmed the result of the presidential elections with the victory of Joe Biden. Incumbent Donald Trump has suffered another setback in his attempts to overturn the outcome of the November 3 election with legal attacks. Biden won in Arizona with nearly 10,500 votes, in Wisconsin it was about 20,700 after a recount. Trump’s lawyers have failed in court with lawsuits against the election results.

Previously, major states such as Georgia and Pennsylvania had already confirmed the election result with Biden’s victory. In Iowa, however, Trump was officially declared the winner on Monday, as expected.

Was Trump sagt?

The incumbent president did not mince words and attacked the Republican governor of Arizona: “Why are you rushing to call a Democrat?” there is no evidence.

‘What’s the deal with Doug Ducey? Republicans will remember this for a long time! ”Wrote Trump. Incidentally, he again hacked against his (ex?) Favorite channel “Fox News”, as they didn’t report anything about the alleged election fraud. Instead, he praised the right-wing conspiracy broadcaster OAN (One America News Network) for their contributions.

He then spread tweets from other users, including a message that Republican Ducey had “betrayed” the people of Arizona. Trump wrote in capital letters: “That’s right!”

A few minutes later, Trump spoke of “total corruption”. The whole thing is “so sad” for the country.

Strange scene before certification

Before Trump tweeted about Ducey, a scene of the authentication of the election results had spread on the platform on Monday: Ducey takes off his mobile phone from his jacket, if you listen carefully you can briefly recognize the song in honor of the American president, “Hail to the Chief” . A few minutes later, a cell phone vibrates for about 20 seconds until Ducey reaches his and everything calms down.

Ducey spoke at a press conference in July about his good relations with the White House and said he had such a direct exchange with Trump and his deputy Mike Pence that he had set “Hail to the Chief” as his ringtone “because he didn’t. I had one wanted to miss another call straight from the White House. ”There was no official confirmation that Ducey’s cell phone was ringing” Hail to the Chief “during certification – and that it was actually a White House call.

Trump has so far tried unsuccessfully to overturn the electoral result from which he was the loser. Prior to Arizona, other states such as Georgia had already confirmed the election results with Biden’s victory. As a result, Trump also attacked the local governor, Republican Brian Kemp. Trump said he was ashamed of supporting him on Sunday to Fox News. (jaw / sda / dpa)


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