Arce and Morales, together at a meeting of the MAS party


The meeting, attended by trade union leaders, peasants and indigenous leaders linked to the MAS, was organized to mark the lines of the ruling party towards the sub-national elections of 2021.


The President of Bolivia, Luis Arce, had his first public meeting with former President Evo Morales on Saturday 21-N after his return to Bolivia, at a meeting of his party, the Movement for Socialism (MAS), in center of the country.

Arce and the country’s vice president, David Choquehuanca, attended the meeting, convened by Morales, which is held in a conference center on the outskirts of the central city of Cochabamba.

Arce and Morales greeted each other with a handshake and a hug, amid applause and applause from the militants present in the room.

The meeting, attended by trade union leaders, peasants and indigenous leaders linked to the MAS, was organized to mark the lines of the ruling party towards the sub-national elections of 2021.

In his speech, Arce said he was “happy” to be able to participate in the national meeting of the Mas which “generated great expectations”, which, in his opinion, confirms that this party is “the driving force of the country”.

The president stressed the importance of listening to the “bases” that ask “to give a chance to new actors”, to which the participants responded by singing “we want new people”.

However, Morales thanked those who voted for his party, which allowed MAS to return to government and him to return to Bolivia after a year.

Morales left Bolivia on November 11, 2019, a day after announcing her resignation, claiming she was forced by an alleged coup, amid allegations of fraud in her favor in the failed October elections of that year. are being investigated criminally and that he denies.

The former governor was first in Mexico and then in Argentina, from where he commanded the electoral campaign of the MAS towards the general elections of 18 October, in which Arce won with 55.1%.

Morales said one of the tasks they have now is to “take care of President Lucho” and to achieve this, they must secure a large victory in the subnational elections.

In these elections, called for next March 7, governors, members of the departmental assembly, mayors and councilors will be elected.

The goal set by Morales, who has also taken over the presidency of the MAS, is to win seven of the nine Bolivian governorates and at least 300 of the 337 disputed mayors.

“It is the best shield to defend our process and to support Comrade Lucho, president,” said the former president, who also confessed to “scare” the short time he has left to register the nominations.

Registration of candidates is scheduled for the next 18 and 19 December, according to the electoral calendar.

The room where the meeting was held was not sufficient to accommodate all the militancy that came, many remained outside.

Several militants made no secret of their annoyance with the media present, which they called “sold press” for their alleged support for the transitional government of former president Jeanine Áñez.

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