Another European country is closing. Austria, total quarantine on November 17: “Any social contact is too much”


During the quarantine period, shops selling non-essential goods will be closed and people will have to stay in their homes at all times, except to go out to buy basic necessities or to play sports, Reuters notes.

Also, people should work from home if possible.

The quarantine period will last until 6 December inclusive.

“My urgent request: do not meet anyone! Any social contact is too much. Spend your free time exclusively with the people you live with. If you live alone, define a contact person,” Kurz wrote on Twitter.

He noted that the measures taken are radical, but necessary: ​​“These measures are extremely radical, but we want to make sure it is quarantined hard enough so that the number of infections decreases rapidly. This is the only way to prevent our healthcare system from being overtaken. Our goal: On December 7, schools and shops should be the first to reopen after quarantine. One thing is clear: no one wants schools, restaurants, shops, etc. be closed. But we must take this step together. Let’s help together! Sebastian Kurz also noted.

In Austria there is a ban on going out at night during this period, as well as other restrictions, but the measures will be tightened.

So far, Austria has reported 198,216 cases of coronavirus infection and 1,629 deaths.


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