Angela Merkel is preparing Germans for tougher anti-COVID-19 measures


German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Deputy Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Minister of Finance, have prepared the Germans for the possible tightening of the current partial blockade, in view of the discussion with the CEOs of the 16 states, scheduled for Wednesday, reports Dpa, quoted by Agerpres.

Restaurants, bars and other public places in Germany have been closed since early November and stricter physical restraint measures have been imposed to limit the number of COVID-19 cases following the resurgence of the outbreak in October.

Citizens should receive a unified response, a joint response from the federal and state governments. In fact, they are entitled to it. This time we are working hard on that, “Merkel said.

In the latest meeting with the Landes, Chancellor Angela Merkel wanted to implement stricter measures to limit the spread of the pandemic, but failed due to opposition from the Länder, which have a high degree of autonomy in defining health policies.

Publisher: Liviu Cojan


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