And there are already 26 legal losses. Trump refuses to accept the election result and insists on the fraud theory – Executive Digest


Twenty-six legal losses and 10 days after Joe Biden was declared the winner of the presidential election, Donald Trump has yet to admit defeat. He’s gotten more discreet in terms of public speaking, sure, but his Twitter account reveals his last hope: conspiracy theories, rumors of election fraud and open appeals to Republican judges or MPs to overturn the outcome. elections and declare him the winner.

A strategy that, given the sequence of failures in the courts (26 cases rejected out of 27) does not seem to show signs of success, the “elEconomista” advances.

Trump accused the Democrats of plotting fraud for several months but with no evidence, and throughout the campaign he repeatedly insisted that the only outcome he would accept as legitimate would be his victory: “The only way for the Democrats to win is through fraud, announced as early as September.

It was clear then that his main goal was to vote by mail, in a simple plan: to encourage his voters to vote only in person on election day and to try to cancel votes by mail, overwhelmingly democratic as the subsequent count.

The first half went well and the tycoon took the lead on election day in several major states, where voting at the polls favored him disproportionately. The goal was to claim victory in that moment, declare himself the winner, and go to court to nullify the millions of votes by mail, in which Biden swept even greater margins.

However, the fact that Biden drove in Nevada and Arizona, two key states enough to put the Democrat at the top in number of delegates, overturned his plan. In the end, with all votes counted, Biden won almost every key state and took 306 delegates in the interim recount, coincidentally the same result as Trump in 2016.

Since then, Trump’s Twitter account has been filled with conspiracy theories that already make up a long list of plots: deceased voters, voting machines that allegedly manipulated the presidential election results to favor Biden up to complaints from center officials. voters who did not allow Republican representatives to attend the recount.

And if anyone dares to comment on these posts and contradict the theories, they cannot remain unanswered, as happened with the employee of the Ministry of Internal Security in charge of monitoring the security of the elections, who for having said that “they were the safest elections of the story “He was fired by Trump.

In terms of justice, Trump is not very lucky. In total, over the past two weeks, Trump has suffered 25 judicial losses in his attempts to cancel votes in several key states. The reasons are numerous: lack of evidence, witnesses and whistleblowers who retracted under the threat of perjury, lack of legal basis and even the recognition of the prosecutors themselves that they have nothing to report. Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, was forced to admit in his famous Pennsylvania case that “we are not reporting any fraud.”

The only Republican victory, so far, has been the cancellation of a few dozen votes that did not fill in the required documentation correctly and were not counted pending the ruling, which is why they did not affect the result.

Now, Trump’s biggest problem is time. time is running out to be able to reverse the results again. In the coming days, many states will certify their official results and appoint delegates from the winning party list.

With the timer running and a string of judicial failures, his last hope is to create doubt among Republicans themselves and encourage lawmakers to undo Biden’s favorable results and declare him the winner in office.

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