American elections: what can Trump do to change the election result he does not accept?


  • Anthony Zurcher
  • Correspondent for North America

Trump does not admit defeat, although it has been two weeks since it was determined that Joe Biden won the US presidential election. So does he have a plan that could change the outcome?

The legal claims made by US President Trump against the results are rejected one by one in the courtrooms.

Trump’s team has not achieved a major legal victory so far and has failed to provide a single proof of the irregularities and fraud they claim are widespread.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who headed Trump’s legal team, announced they had given up on their legal fight in Michigan, where Biden won for 160,000.

After five million votes were hand-counted in the state of Georgia, the results were recorded, where Biden was leading with 12,000 votes.

With doors closing one by one in front of Trump, who wants to stay in the White House, the president of the United States seems to be moving from a difficult goal of changing the election result to a more difficult political bet.

Trump’s strategy step by step

What Trump hopes to do might look like this:

  • Avoid recording votes in as many states as possible. Using lawsuits and Republican officials in the region for this.
  • To ensure that in states where Biden won by margin and where Republicans control the legislatures, local politicians do not recognize the election result and claim there is an irregularity.
  • Hence, to ensure that lawmakers choose those who will vote in the Electoral College on December 14 from among those who will vote for Trump.
  • If Trump does this in enough states, he could move 232 votes in the electoral committee to over 269.
  • Even if he didn’t move forward on the selection committee, it could work to bring Biden’s current 306 game down to 270. In such a situation, the House of Representatives chooses the president. While the House of Representatives has a majority of Democrats, Trump will have the advantage due to a strange procedure followed during this election.

What is Trump doing to make this happen?

It puts pressure on people in the US who can influence the outcome.

In US elections, instead of voting for a presidential candidate, the representatives of their state to be sent to the constituency decide which candidate will vote.

These representatives generally follow the demands of the public and vote for the presidential candidate who gets the most votes.

For example, a Michigan representative elected to Electoral College would be voting for Biden, who receives the most votes in the state.

On Monday, a council of two Republicans and two Democrats will meet in the state to confirm that 16 votes in the state selection committee will go to Biden.

The first sign of Trump’s pressure on local officials came with reports that he was calling two local officials to disapprove of the election results in Michigan’s largest city, Detroit.

It was unusual for two of the lower level members of his party to be called directly by the president of the United States.

Officials, who blocked the process of approving election results under pressure from Trump, abandoned these decisions after a while. After speaking to Trump on the phone, they said they regret their decision.

These clues have drawn more attention, as Republican leaders in the Michigan legislatures accepted an invitation to visit the White House on Friday.

In the news on the subject, it is stated that Trump is also investigating other ways to lobby local officials and politicians.

The simple things that are the formality of normal elections, like the announcement of the winner in the state by a council of representatives of two parties, are turning into Trump’s war front to hold power for another four years.

Could Trump be successful in this?

It is not impossible. But it has a very, very low probability.

First of all, Trump must be able to reverse the outcome in states where his rival is ahead.

In 2000, Florida became the key to the appointment of the president.

In this election, Trump needs to reverse the situation in more than one state where tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of votes are behind.

Additionally, many of Trump’s target states have Democratic governors in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Nevada, and their hands won’t be picking pears.

For example, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer could fire the current election committee and appoint a new election committee to confirm Biden’s victory.

Democratic governors can bring the matter to state congresses by proposing to send names to the constituency and have elections held at state congresses.

But that’s not enough to make Biden supporters relax.

Trump’s chances of achieving this are as low as lightning strikes anyone who wins the lottery, but the prospect of stealing the win from now on is so frightening that it’s enough to annoy the Democrats.

Is this strategy legal?

US President Donald Trump spent much of his time in the White House violating norms and traditions. It does not appear that the last days of his presidency will be different.

Although the Trump administration has put unprecedented pressure on local electoral officials and politicians, this is a controversial method, but that doesn’t mean it’s illegal.

When the United States was first established, legislatures in the states had extensive powers over how to determine which members to go to the selection committee.

Today there is still no federal law across the country governing how this will happen.

Since then, laws have been enacted in states to send voters to the selection committee to vote for the candidate with the most votes.

But at the heart of the system are too many walls of the original building.

If US President Trump succeeds in mobilizing a state legislature, the Democrats will legally fight against it.

Both state and federal laws in this area are ambiguous. It is also difficult to find precedents in court, as they are rarely the subject of litigation.

Can states change their electoral laws in a way that affects the past? The judges will decide.

Has anyone tried it before?

The last contested general election in the United States was that between Al Gore and George Bush in 2000.

Photo caption,

Al Gore and George W. Bush have indicted each other

The difference between the candidates was several hundred.

Eventually, the Supreme Court of the United States intervened, interrupting the re-counting, and Bush was elected president.

It is necessary to go to 1876 for the last election in which such competition was experienced in more than one state.

Republican Rutherford Hayes and Democrat Samuel Tildon competed in that election.

Due to controversial results in the states of Louisiana, South Carolina, and Florida, no candidate won a majority on the selection committee.

Eventually, the United States House of Representatives elected its president.

After the House election, Hayes, like Bush in 2000 and Trump in 2016, became president despite receiving lower votes across the country.

What if US President Trump refuses to leave his post?

If none of these difficult goals of US President Donald Trump are fulfilled, Joe Biden will take office as the 46th President of the United States on January 20.

For this, Trump must not admit defeat.

At that point, the US intelligence and military will be able to treat Donald Trump like anyone else in the White House without permission.

“What he did is shocking,” Biden said in a statement on the subject.

“It spreads very harmful messages to the rest of the world about how democracy works.”

Although Trump has failed in his fight for his seat, his policy of destroying the elections, which he has opened for discussion, could set a precedent for the upcoming election.

Investigative firms say that the faith of many Americans in the US democratic system and institutions is damaged by this situation.

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